The B2200 runs through the Surrey town of Ewell and dates to the 1980s at the latest.
The road starts at a roundabout on the B284 by the golf course to the west of town and heads east along the residential Chessington Road. It goes over the railway line above Ewell West station before bearing left onto a one-way road by Bourne Hall. We head into the town centre, becoming two-way by the duck pond and reaching a signalised T-junction on the original line of the A24. The westbound B2200 starts one block to the right at the next set of lights and remains one-way.
The old A24 is now numbered B2200 in both directions. If we turn left we follow London Road through the suburbs to traffic lights on the present bypass. If we turn right we run along the High Street then bear left at a mini-roundabout onto Cheam Road. Again the A24 bypass is met at traffic lights.