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A400-A499 > A421

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Opening Day - Coppermine - 12847.jpg
Opening Day

New A421 approaching the Black Cat rbt on August 24 2006, opening day. Existing A421 on right. LC and Travelodge on left.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 14, 2007 by SteveA30
A421 - Coppermine - 12846.jpg

Looking east between Gt Barford and Roxton.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 14, 2007 by SteveA30
A421 S2-1 - Coppermine - 12844.jpg
A421 S2-1

Looking west down the hill towards Gt Barford.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 14, 2007 by SteveA30
Both A421's - Coppermine - 12845.jpg
Both A421's

Looking east near Roxton. Soon to be old road on right.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 14, 2007 by SteveA30
A421 for another 2 hours - Coppermine - 12843.jpg
A421 for another 2 hours

Looking east.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 14, 2007 by SteveA30
A421 - Great Barford - Coppermine - 12842.jpg
A421 - Great Barford

Looking west, as the village awaits its release from heavy traffic.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 14, 2007 by SteveA30
A421 - Old road layby - Coppermine - 12841.jpg
A421 - Old road layby

Business as usual for the snack bar in distance.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 14, 2007 by SteveA30
A421 - Tape cutting ceremony - Coppermine - 12840.jpg
A421 - Tape cutting ceremony

Official opening of the Gt Barford bypass, on the westbound side. 4 tapes were cut, for the benefit of TV crews! Managed reality, I think they call it.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 14, 2007 by SteveA30
421 - Half open - Coppermine - 12839.jpg
421 - Half open

Traffic opening was set for 1pm but, suddenly at 12.10, traffic was approaching from Black Cat, catching onlookers out. I was walking away from the bridge and had to run back. This opening of the westbound side first, was a major tactical error, as the next pics will show.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 14, 2007 by SteveA30
A421 - Eastbound jam - Coppermine - 12837.jpg
A421 - Eastbound jam

Within 10 minutes of the w/bnd opening, traffic was tailing back 2 miles to this point. At Black Cat, they had conflicts with both A1 n/bnd and now, A421 w/bnd, making an almost impenetrable wall of traffic. Note the snack bar guy has already gone. As soon as he realised it was open, he packed up and headed for the layby where the tape cutting was held, getting caught in up in this queue first though.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 14, 2007 by SteveA30
Half the A421 - Coppermine - 12835.jpg
Half the A421

A Highways guy in a van turned up in a panic and made a frantic looking mobile call. No doubt, it was something like, 'get that bloody road open, its chaos out here!'

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 14, 2007 by SteveA30
A421 - The End - Coppermine - 12834.jpg
A421 - The End

At 1pm, the eastbound side did open, as scheduled. I decided to stay here though, as this was much more interesting. This captures the absolute end of the A421 at this spot, about 1.20, as the supply of regular traffic dries up. The lorry is the final vehicle to use the layby in its role as a stop for A421 traffic.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 14, 2007 by SteveA30
A421 - All quiet now. - Coppermine - 12832.jpg
A421 - All quiet now.

The unexpected turn of events messed up my photo plans, such that I only had 1 left for the 'after' shots. I chose the 3 lane section, just in case the County Council narrowed it later. This was at about 1.45pm, only half an hour after all that chaos and U turning.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 14, 2007 by SteveA30
A421 - Black Cat - Coppermine - 12833.jpg
A421 - Black Cat

I joined the back of the queue to get this unique shot of the first queues on the new A421 and, the last queue of A421 traffic on the now old road. Within 5 minutes, the old road was finally cleared of through traffic, at about 1.30pm. Presumably, it was the police who decided to open the w/bnd side 50 mins before the e/bnd. Fat lot they know about traffic management and conflicts.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 14, 2007 by SteveA30
A421 Great Barford Bypass - Coppermine - 9022.jpg
A421 Great Barford Bypass

Eastbound through the new A428 junction at the eastern end of the Bedford Bypass

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Oct 30, 2006 by CJ
A421 Great Barford Bypass - Coppermine - 9021.jpg
A421 Great Barford Bypass

Pretty standard D2 really. Looking west from Barford Road overbridge

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Oct 30, 2006 by CJ
A421 Great Barford Bypass - Coppermine - 9020.jpg
A421 Great Barford Bypass

Eastbound, nearing the end of the bypass at the A1 roundabout

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Oct 30, 2006 by CJ

== Summary ==

Black Cat Roundabout.jpg
A421 - Geograph - 368170.jpg
A421 Great Barford Bypass Construction.JPG
A421 - U turn if you want to. - Coppermine - 12836.jpg
A421 - U turn if you want to.

The queue was rapidly heading back towards Gt Barford so, many turned back. This wasn't as dangerous as it would have been 30 mins earlier, as the w/bnd side was of course deserted.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 14, 2007 by SteveA30
J13 M1 - Geograph - 368173.jpg
J13 M1
Looking across a field to junction 13 of the M1. The junction is due to be upgraded as part of the expansion plans for Milton Keynes. Currently it is something of a bottleneck.
Under construction section between Marston and the m1
Near Marston on the new a421
Southern Road Schemes - Coppermine - 6939.PNG
Southern Road Schemes

M1 widening under construction, Handy Cross improvements, Linslade-Stoke Hammond bypass finished, Bedford western bypass and M1 link proposed and odd junction on the new A249 in AtoZ 2007 GB Atlas Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jul 26, 2006 by sabristo simon

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Standing Way approaching Trafalgar... (C) John Firth - Geograph - 3675907.jpg
Standing Way approaching Trafalgar... (C) John Firth
Emerson roundabout from Standing Way (C) John Firth - Geograph - 3675911.jpg
Emerson roundabout from Standing Way (C) John Firth
Rhoscolyn Drive junction with Standing... (C) John Firth - Geograph - 3673747.jpg
Rhoscolyn Drive junction with Standing... (C) John Firth
Standing Way is the A421
Standing Way approaching Rhoscolyn Drive (C) John Firth - Geograph - 3675919.jpg
Standing Way approaching Rhoscolyn Drive (C) John Firth
From the east
Standing Way at Lay by near Steinbeck... (C) John Firth - Geograph - 3675925.jpg
Standing Way at Lay by near Steinbeck... (C) John Firth
Groveway - Milton Keynes (C) Sebastian Ballard - Geograph - 2676015.jpg
Groveway - Milton Keynes (C) Sebastian Ballard
Skirting the southern margins of the town. Approaching Malborough Street.
Entering Buckingham (C) John Firth - Geograph - 2742996.jpg
Entering Buckingham (C) John Firth
Just west of the Tingewick Road industrial estate turn off from A421
Bourton roundabout from A421 (C) John Firth - Geograph - 3152779.jpg
Bourton roundabout from A421 (C) John Firth
Bedford bypass (C) SJB - Geograph - 2677690.jpg
Bedford bypass (C) SJB
About to cross the river Great Ouse.
A4280 Water End, Renhold - Geograph - 4122934.jpg
A4280 Water End, Renhold Approaching the bridge over the A421
Bedford Southern Bypass - Geograph - 2462783.jpg
Bedford Southern Bypass At its eastern end and near the junction with St Neot's Road A4280 from Goldington and Bedford.
Kingston Roundabout, Wavendon - Geograph - 3073632.jpg
Kingston Roundabout, Wavendon
Approaching Brinklow roundabout - Geograph - 3924513.jpg
Approaching Brinklow roundabout Standing Way heading west
The A 43 at Barleymow Roundabout - Geograph - 4644600.jpg
The A 43 at Barleymow Roundabout
Black Cat aerial.jpg
Aerial view of Black Cat Roundabout
The start of the H8 in Milton Keynes Just SW of the Bottledump Roundabout. The parallel redway (cycle route) also carries the number H8.
The roundabout has an 8m tall sculpture commemorating MK's Greg Rutherford, who won the long jump gold medal in the 2012 Olympics
A421 Expressway.jpg
The A421 at Marston
A421 passing under Fields Road - Geograph - 2677669.jpg
A421 passing under Fields Road A new stretch of road opened December 2010.

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