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A1-A99 > A76

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Bus stop.jpg
Bus stop
Junction of B705 with A76(T) - Geograph - 296852.jpg
Junction of B705 with A76(T)
Mauchline Cross - Geograph - 297617.jpg
Mauchline Cross
A76 Crossroads Roundabout - Coppermine - 14325.jpg
A76 Crossroads Roundabout

This used to be a crossroads junction, lots of accidents here in the past hence the roundabout added.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jul 29, 2007 by Kenny1975
A76 Near Kilmarnock - Coppermine - 14324.jpg
A76 Near Kilmarnock Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jul 29, 2007 by Kenny1975
A76 Route Confirmation Sign - Coppermine - 14323.jpg
A76 Route Confirmation Sign

A76 as it approaches its end at A77/A71 junction at Kilmarnock

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jul 29, 2007 by Kenny1975
A76 Near Kilmarnock - Coppermine - 14322.jpg
A76 Near Kilmarnock

A76 just before junction with A77 and A71

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jul 29, 2007 by Kenny1975
A76 Roundabout.jpg
A75 at the roundabout with the A76
Cattle Crossing sign beside A76 - Coppermine - 23319.jpg
Cattle Crossing sign beside A76

An old 'Cattle Crossing' sign alongside the A76, between Kirkconnel and New Cumnock. Photographed on 30 April 1994.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Oct 11, 2009 by SDL
A76 bridge over the River Ayr - Geograph - 734032.jpg
A76 bridge over the River Ayr
Taken from the old bridge. This is shown as a yellow road on the OS mapping but is in fact closed to traffic.
Auldgirth Bridge - Geograph - 385513.jpg
Auldgirth Bridge
Spans the River Nith and closed to vehicular traffic. Viewed from the modern road bridge.
A76 Mennock WS2+1.jpg
WS2+1 Section of the A76 near Mennock
A76 Mennock WS2+1 merge.jpg
WS2+1 carriageway on the A76 near Mennock
A76 Mennock WS2+1 merge sign.jpg
WS2+1 carriageway on the A76 near Mennock
Old A76 Mennock - Cattle.jpg
Cattle warning sign on the former A76 near Mennock in Dumfriesshire
Old A76 Mennock - Farm traffic.jpg
Warning of farm traffic on the former A76 near Mennock in Dumfriesshire
A76 south.jpg
View from the cab: A76 southbound, just south of Closeburn.
A76 to New Cumnock at Guildhall Bridge (C) Billy McCrorie - Geograph - 3808602.jpg
A76 to New Cumnock at Guildhall Bridge (C) Billy McCrorie
Sliproad from Kilmarnock Bypass to A71 at Bellfield Interchange - Geograph - 6385157.jpg
Sliproad from Kilmarnock Bypass to A71 at Bellfield Interchange
The new crossing at Auldgirth - Geograph - 3649510.jpg
The new crossing at Auldgirth As seen from the old bridge
The old and new A76 at Mennock
The A76 just south of Mennock
The B797 meeting the old A76 at Mennock
The old A76 at Mennock
Glenairlie Bridge over the River Nith next to the A76
Looking across Glenairlie Bridge over the River Nith next to the A76
Eliock Bridge over the River Nith next to the A76 near Sanquhar
Blackaddie Bridge over the River Nith near Sanquhar
Blackaddie Bridge over the River Nith near Sanquhar
Mini roundabout at the southern end of the B705, where it ends on the B7083, former A76
The B7083, former A76, Main Street in Auchinleck
Crossroads between the B7083 (former A76) and B7036 in Auchinleck

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