Narrow bridge on B9171 This 3/4 width bridge comes at the end of a long bit of very good road. Keeps the tourists alert especially as it's a recommended bypass route for HGVs avoiding the coastal villages.
The B9171 heading westwards approaching the entrance to the National Trust owned Kellie Castle.
Waymarker style milestone at Newton of Balcormo on the B9171 at the junction with the C61 which contains the placenames on the left, whilst the placenames on the right are from the B9171 headed eastwards.
Approaching the crossroads with the B940 from the north.
Cast-iron waymarker-style milestone on the junction of the B942 and B9171 in the East Neuk of Fife.
The western end of the B9171 on the B942
Looking south on the B9171 as it makes a long double bend
Old Milepost sign on the B9171 at Newton of Balcormo
Approaching the TOTSO junction on the B9171 at Newton of Balcormo