1968 map of A20(M) around Maidstone
Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Apr 14, 2005 by Jonathan B4027
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The two bridges carry different parts of the large roundabout in the centre of Maidstone
Railway heading over road leads right into Maidstone East from West Malling and Wrotham. A20 heads under bridge leading to junction 5 for M20 or Ditton/Larkfield on A20. Roundabout just past bridge leads left into Allington Quarry and right to Maidstone Police Headquarters, also straight on to A20.
This is the view along Hayle Road (A229) which is part of the one way system to the south of central Maidstone. Here the traffic is northbound and I had to wait some time for a gap in the traffic so that too many cars did not clutter the photograph.