Gallery:Welwyn Garden City
Note the bypass, where the A1 has an overbridge over the B1000 but no slip roads to link them. Map print code 30046 = printed in 1946 Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Apr 30, 2006 by FosseWay
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The bypass now has sliproads down onto the road below, but no roundabout as appears later. I've left in the bit to the north as well, showing the early A1(M).
Print code A///*, c1963.
Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Apr 30, 2006 by FosseWay
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In contrast with <a href=''>TL2412 : Welwyn Garden City: Pre-war industrial units on Broadwater Road</a> just down the road is this modern office block. The photographer thinks this was once a company headquarters building but is now multi-tenanted.
A contemporary newspaper report on the opening of the railway from The Times described it as "...consisting of 42 arches each 30 feet wide and 97 feet high and built at a cost between ??70,000 and ??80,000. The masonry has all the appearance of great solidity..." As well it might as 159 years further on it still has all the appearance of great solidity!
This is the view of 10 of the 42 arches taken looking along Hertford Road.