SABRE original constitution
Society: Constitution
This document, last updated on 29 September 2004, was the SABRE Constitution until 6 July 2007. The present Constitution came into force on 22 April 2018.
Name of Society
The Society for All British Road Enthusiasts (SABRE)
Aims of Society
(Partly based on the original SABRE mission statement by Brad Jackson.)
- To promote the study and appreciation of roads in the United Kingdom past, present and future
- To act as a forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions held by the individual
- To be the hub through which snippets of information can be exchanged
- To generate a better understanding of the UK road network
- To gain a good understanding of the history of our roads
SABRE is neither a pro-roads nor an anti-roads group. It has no formal links with motorists' organizations or the road construction industry; neither does it have associations with the environmental lobby or road protestors' groups. Individual members may of course have views on the politics of the network, and roads policy issues are debated from time to time, but SABRE is not primarily intended as a platform for those with an axe to grind.
SABRE is a Society which meets mainly on the Internet but also holds "real world" events.
Membership is free of charge.
Membership of the Society is open to any person with an interest in roads within the British Isles. There are two categories of membership: Discussion Group Member and Active Member.
Discussion Group Membership
- Discussion Group Membership is achieved by joining the Internet Discussion Group.
- Discussion Group Membership is subject to the rules of the hosting Internet Service Provider. Discussion Group Members are not automatically Active Members of the Society. Discussion Group Membership does not need to be renewed.
- Discussion Group Members are entitled to post messages, pictures and contributions to other pages facilitated by SABRE. They are entitled to attend and participate fully in real world events. They are not entitled to vote in any election; stand for or hold any office within the Society.
- Members may hold multiple Discussion Group Memberships, provided they inform the management team. If a member is found to hold multiple Discussion Group Memberships without informing the management team he/she risks having all his/her Discussion Group Memberships revoked.
- In certain circumstances it may be necessary for Discussion Group Membership applications to be approved by the management (see below). In such circumstances approval will not normally be withheld unless the applicant has previously been banned from membership of SABRE.
Active Membership
- Active Membership is obtained by contacting the Secretary requesting Active Membership. Active Membership will automatically be granted provided the individual has been a Discussion Group Member for at least 30 days. All Active Members are also Discussion Group Members.
- Active Membership of the Society must be renewed once every year, prior to the opening of nominations the annual Elected Officer elections, in a time period given by the President so that an up to date register of Active Members is available for the election process. Active Members can renew their membership outside the time period at the discretion of the President. Requests for Active Membership received between the opening of nominations for annual elections at the AGM and the end of the AGM shall be deferred until after the AGM.
- Active Members are entitled to stand for office and participate in all votes and elections. Active Members may be appointed to the Committee, and may become an Appointed Officer.
- It is a requirement of Active Membership that a full name and nearest postal town is provided to the President. These details will not be openly available.
- Each individual can only hold one Active Membership of the Society, and therefore has only one vote in any election or decision-making process.
Elected Officers, Committee, Admin Group and Annual General Meeting
SABRE is headed by a President, normally elected annually for a non-renewable term.
The Discussion Group is maintained by a Site Management Team, normally elected annually, consisting of a Site Manager and at least two Assistant Site Managers. Site Managers and Assistant Site Managers may stand for re-election.
The number of Assistant Site Manager posts may be varied with the approval of the President.
There is also a post of Treasurer. This post will be elected according to the same procedures as those described below for Site Manager. The Treasurer's term will be annual and renewable.
The Chat facilities are maintained by at least two Chat Moderators. The number of Chat Moderator posts may be varied with the approval of the President. These posts will be elected according to the same procedures as those described below for Site Manager. The Chat Moderators' term will be annual and renewable.
The main executive body is the Committee, which meets in private on SABRE Committee. This consists of the following people:
- the President;
- a Secretary, appointed according to the procedures in "Appointed Officers" below;
- the Treasurer;
- the Site Manager;
- the Assistant Site Managers;
- the Chat Moderators;
- any other officers appointed according to the procedures in "Appointed Officers" below;
- any other members co-opted according to the procedures below.
Additional Committee members may be co-opted at the invitation of the existing committee members. Active Members may also apply to the President to request committee membership. Approval of committee memberships must be unanimous. If one Committee member objects to an application then the application shall be refused. The Committee members must be given a period of at least seven days to object to the application.
All Committee memberships shall expire at the AGM. Anyone who was a Committee member before the AGM but does not hold an elected or appointed post after the AGM must be re-approved, although it is not necessary for them to re-apply.
The formal SABRE organization is run by the Admin Group, which meets in permanent public session on SABRE Admin. This consists of the entire Committee plus any other Active Member of SABRE who wishes to join. Active Membership shall be granted to any Discussion Group Member who wishes to join the Admin Group, subject to the requirements of becoming an Active Member.
SABRE Committee and SABRE Admin are the joint responsibility of the President and Secretary.
If possible, items should be discussed using the publicly available SABRE Admin, rather than the private SABRE Committee.
SABRE holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) as close as possible to the fourth Saturday in April each year. Elections for the Elected Officers take place by email immediately prior to the AGM. The outgoing President is responsible for the running of the elections. Results are announced at the AGM if the President is able to attend, and in all circumstances on the Discussion Group message boards within 24 hours of the conclusion of the AGM.
If any Elected Officer plans to be absent for a week or more, he/she should inform the Committee. If any of the Elected Officials fails to respond to a message placed on SABRE Admin within three weeks, he/she is declared absent without leave.
If an Elected Officer, with the exception of the President, resigns during his/her term of office, goes absent without leave, or loses a no-confidence vote, a by-election is held by the President. The election process must be under way within eight weeks of the resignation, declaration of absence, or the announcement of the result of the vote. If the President resigns during his/her term of office, or goes absent without leave, a by-election is held by the Secretary. The election process must be under way within eight weeks of the resignation, no-confidence vote result or declaration of absence.
Appointed Officers
After the Elected Officer elections, the President shall appoint a number of Appointed Officers to assist in the running of the different projects run by SABRE. The President is entitled to appoint themselves to any post, with the exception of Secretary. An individual Active Member may also be appointed to more than one Appointed Officer position. An Elected Officer may also hold one or more Appointed Officer positions.
An Appointed Officer must be an Active Member of the Society.
The Appointed Officers shall include the following: Secretary, Archivist, Portal Administrator, Domain Name Administrator, Media Relations Officer, and Off-Topic Board Administrator. Further appointments may be made as deemed necessary by the President, with the approval of the Admin Group.
Until the appointment of the Secretary is approved by the Admin Group, then the previous President shall act in that capacity.
After the President has made all the relevant provisional appointments, the list shall be posted to SABRE Admin, and the cut off date for objections (which will be two weeks after the posting) given.
Members of the Admin Group have two weeks from the posting of the appointments to object. If two objections are received by the President, then the President shall run a vote on the relevant appointment on SABRE Admin by simple majority. Only those members of the Admin Group who joined more than a day before the posting of the appointments are eligible to vote. If the vote is tied, the casting vote shall be against the relevant appointment.
If no more than one objection is received after two weeks, then the Admin Group is deemed to approve the appointments of the Appointed Officers.
Procedures for Elections
Nominations normally open two weeks before the date of the AGM, and close eight days before the date of the AGM. This may be varied at the discretion of the President, provided that the overall period allowed for nominations is not less than five days.
Nominations will be accepted from any Active Member of SABRE who was an Active Member the day before the opening of nominations, with the exception of the President in post during the election process.
To stand, a prospective candidate must email the President including the following items:
- SABRE Screen Name;
- First name (if not obvious from SABRE screen name);
- Surname (optional);
- The post(s) the prospective candidate wishes to stand for;
- Length of time as Discussion Group Member (approximately);
- Reason for standing (optional).
The section called "Reason for standing" is optional, and should state the reasons why the prospective candidate feels they are suitable for the post, and their future plans. Around four sentences is considered sufficient. The President reserves the right to edit for length. If the President uses that right, then he/she must advise the prospective candidate, and invite a resubmission. This resubmission must be submitted to the President prior to the closing of nominations. If no resubmission is forthcoming, then the President may edit as required.
It is not permissible to stand for both President and any other post, or for Treasurer and any other post. It is, however, permissible to stand for any combination of the other Elected Officer positions. Campaigning is permitted, provided it takes place only on the canvassing section of SABRE Admin. Anyone posting campaign messages in any other SABRE forum, or found to be canvassing in any other way (for example, by email) will be disqualified from the election, and any votes that they receive will be distributed according to preferences stated.
Voting normally opens one week before the date of the AGM, and closes one day before the date of the AGM. This may be varied at the discretion of the President, provided that the overall period allowed for voting is not less than five days.
Votes will be accepted from any Active Member of SABRE, who was an Active Member the day before the opening of nominations. This is to prevent people 'loading' the membership. Votes may only be cast during the allocated time period. Voting is by the system known as Single Transferable Vote.
In addition to the human candidates standing for a position, a candidate called RON will be available in all elections. RON stands for 'Re-Open Nominations'. Active Members are encouraged to vote for RON if they believe none of the candidates deserve or are able to do the job. Active Members should not vote for RON if they have no preference in an election.
In order to vote, a member must email the President including the following items:
- SABRE Screen Name;
- The name(s) of the Presidential candidate(s) the member wishes to vote for, each with a number indicating a preference (1,2,3 etc. in order);
- The name(s) of the Site Manager candidate(s) the member wishes to vote for, each with a number indicating a preference;
- The name(s) of the Assistant Site Manager candidate(s) the member wishes to vote for, each with a number indicating a preference;
- The name(s) of the Treasurer candidate(s) the member wishes to vote for, each with a number indicating a preference;
- The name(s) of the Chat Moderator candidate(s) the member wishes to vote for, each with a number indicating a preference.
The President must reply to each electronic vote in the same manner, simply to confirm receipt. No other communication is allowed. Only one vote is allowed from any Active Member.
The count will occur using the Single Transferable Vote system.
In the case of a tied vote, the President has the casting vote. If the tie is between human candidates, the President may vote for whomever they choose. If the tie is between a human candidate and RON, the casting vote must be cast in favour of RON.
The Site Manager election will be counted and a result declared before the counting of the Assistant Site Manager election. If the winning Site Manager candidate has also stood for Assistant Site Manager, then their votes in the Assistant Site Manager election will be transferred according to preference in the counting process.
If RON wins, they will immediately resign, and a new election will be run for the post or posts that RON won. In the meantime, the status quo remains where possible. If it is not, the President will ask someone to temporarily hold the position until new elections can take place.
Announcement of results
If the President is able to attend the AGM, the results will be announced at the AGM. In all circumstances, the announcement of the results will be posted to the Discussion Group no later than 24 hours after the conclusion of the AGM. The newly elected Elected Officers will assume office as soon as the results are announced.
Procedures as for main elections except: in the case of a Presidential by-election, all references to "the President" should be replaced by "the Secretary".
The periods for nominations and voting are at the discretion of the President (or the Secretary for a Presidential by-election), provided that neither period lasts for less than five days.
The results will be posted to the Discussion Group no later than 48 hours after the conclusion of voting.
Responsibilities of the President
- Organisation of the AGM.
- Holding annual elections for the Elected Officers.
- Holding by-elections if required (see above).
- Holding ban votes if required (see below).
- Deciding on constitutional issues, in consultation with the Committee.
- Dealing with grievances between members, or between individual members and an Elected Officer.
- In the appropriate circumstances (see below), holding a no-confidence vote in an Elected Officer, and dismissing that person if necessary.
- Changing software settings to reflect the changed status of individuals. For example, promotion and demotion between Site Manager, Assistant Site Manager and ordinary member status. However, in circumstances where approval of members is required, movement from pending to full Discussion Group Member status is the responsibility of the Site Management Team.
- Administration of SABRE Admin and SABRE Committee (jointly with the Secretary).
- Delegation of responsibility for major Society projects.
In all other cases, there is a strict understanding that the President will not otherwise use any of the powers of a manager or moderator. However, under exceptional circumstances, the Site Manager or Moderating Team have the right to confer management powers on the President (see below).
Responsibilities of the Secretary
- Deputising for the President in his/her absence.
- Correspondence with outside organizations.
- Preparing agendas for the AGM, and taking minutes at the AGM.
- Drafting of official documents, including the Constitution.
- Holding Presidential elections if the President becomes indisposed.
- Administration of SABRE Admin (jointly with the President).
- Granting of Active Member status.
- Maintenance of list of Active Members.
Responsibilities of the Site Management Team
Individual roles are to be agreed between team members, but it is assumed that the Site Manager will take a greater share of responsibility than the Assistant Site Managers.
- Structure, design and maintenance of Discussion Group.
- Promotion of Discussion Group.
- Approval of new Discussion Group Memberships, if such approval is deemed necessary. Such arrangements must be reviewed on the election of a new Site Management Team, and approved by the Committee.
- Welcomes to new Discussion Group Members.
- Addition and deletion of pages to and from the Discussion Group.
- Maintenance of those pages not directly accessible to members.
- Ensuring sensible use of pages accessible to members.
- Deletion of unwelcome posts. This will not normally happen without the unanimous agreement of the available members of the Site Management Team. However, in exceptional circumstances it may be necessary for emergency powers to be taken so that individual members of the Site Management Team can delete posts. Such arrangements require the unanimous agreement of the Team and the explicit approval of the President.
- Liaison with the Discussion Group website provider on technical issues.
- Delegation of responsibility for social events (online and offline).
Also, under exceptional circumstances, the Site Manager has the authority to confer additional management powers on the President (e.g. if no member of the management team is available for a period).
The Site Manager is forbidden to appoint and dismiss Assistant Site Managers.
Responsibilities of Chat Moderators
- Maintenance of Chat system.
- Promotion of Chat sessions.
- Ensuring sensible use of Chat sessions.
- Banning of individual members from the Chat room for an individual session.
- Liaison with the Chat service provider on technical issues.
- Delegation of responsibility for social Chat events (such as quizzes).
Committee Members' Privileges
Committee members are entitled to the following privileges:
- Access to passwords for shared SABRE resources (e.g. webspace).
- Access to private contact details for other committee members.
- Access to the private ³SABRE Committee² discussion group.
- Wherever possible, an official SABRE email address.
Other privileges may be conferred on Committee Members at the discretion of the President.
A small voluntary subscription may be requested from Committee Members over the age of 18. The level of such a subscription must be agreed between all the Committee Members. Committee membership shall not be made conditional on the payment of such a subscription.
If a member has a grievance, either with another member or with the management team, he/she should take it up in the first instance with the person or persons concerned. Any posting of personal abuse to the message boards risks being deleted by the management team. If that member is still dissatisfied, he/she may contact the President, who may wish to raise the issue with the person or persons concerned. If there is still no resolution then the member may make a formal complaint to the President.
Procedures for suspension of members
Managers and Moderators (including Assistants) may suspend an individual from an element of SABRE under their responsibility for up to two weeks provided they:
- Have the agreement of at least one other Elected Officer with the exception of the President;
- Inform the person being suspended by e-mail of the reasons for their suspension;
- Inform the Committee at the earliest opportunity of the reason for suspending the member.
The member shall be reinstated no later than two weeks after suspension unless a "Ban" vote is underway - in which case reinstatement may be deferred until after the end of the voting period.
The suspended member has the right of appeal to the Committee via the President and should be advised of this through e-mail at the time the suspension is implemented.
Procedures for banning members
Complaints may be received from both Active Members and from Discussion Group Members who have posted to the Internet Discussion Group within the 30 days prior to that individual member's complaint.
The names of the complainants should remain confidential to the President at all times.
A ban vote is automatically triggered if the President receives formal complaints from more members (of any standing) than 2% of the number of Active Members, or from 5 Members, whichever is the larger.
The member facing the complaints cannot be an Elected Officer, and no more than 50% of the complainants can be Elected Officers. An Elected Officer must be the subject of a no-confidence vote prior to being subject to a banning vote.
No ban of any member will take place without a vote by the entire Active Membership.
Before any ban vote takes place, the President's first action is to contact the member concerned by e-mail and inform them that complaints have been received and that a ban vote is imminent. The member will then have time, at the President's discretion, to explain their actions and provide a counter-argument to the complaints.
Votes should be sent to the President. In order to vote, the same criteria are used as for Elected Officer elections.
Votes can be cast stating simply SABRE screen name, and the words BAN or NO BAN, as appropriate. The vote will be by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, then the casting vote shall be for NO BAN.
All members who fulfil the criteria are entitled to vote, with the exception of the member concerned.
The ban shall be attached to the person, not the Discussion Group Membership. If there is suspicion aroused that the banned former member has re-joined the Discussion Group under a new Discussion Group Membership, and does not act in an appropriate manner, then that new Discussion Group Member can be re-banned immediately by the Site Management Team, upon request to the President without resorting to a new vote. If the banned former member attempts to use any other SABRE facility (for example, Chat), then they may be immediately re-banned by the appropriate Management or Moderating Team.
One week shall be allowed for voting. The announcement of the result will be posted to the Discussion Group no later than 24 hours after the conclusion of the vote.
No debate on this issue will be allowed on any forum, with the exception of the Canvassing section of SABRE Admin, and the management or moderating team shall be required to delete any messages regarding the banning vote, other than those required postings by the President. The President will post the arguments in favour of and against the ban, as presented in the complaints received and any response made by the member concerned. A new thread should be used for all different votes.
Any queries regarding the process should be sent directly to the President via e-mail, and a response shall be given by e-mail, as well as on the boards should the President deem necessary.
No-confidence votes
Any officer of the Society can be the subject of a no-confidence vote. The vote is taken by the group of people responsible for electing the officer. Therefore, any no-confidence vote in any post-holder elected by the full Active Membership will be open to the full Active Membership. Where a post is approved by either the Admin Group, or any other sub-group of SABRE then the no-confidence vote shall be open to that sub-group only.
The names of the complainants should remain confidential to the President at all times.
No-confidence in the President
A no-confidence vote is automatically triggered if the Site Manager receives formal complaints about the President from more than 2% of the total number of Active Members, or from 5 Active Members, whichever is the larger number.
The voting procedure is identical to that for a no-confidence vote for other Elected Officers, except that all references to "the President" should refer to "the Site Manager".
If the no-confidence vote is carried, then the Secretary will assume emergency powers until a new President is elected.
No-confidence in other Elected Officers
A no-confidence vote is automatically triggered if the President receives formal complaints about another Elected Officer from more than 2% of the total number of Active Members, or from 5 Active Members, whichever is the larger number.
Before any no-confidence vote takes place, the President's first action is to contact the Elected Officer concerned by e-mail and inform them that complaints have been received and that a no-confidence vote is imminent. The Elected Officer will then have time, at the President's discretion, to explain their actions and provide a counter-argument to the complaints.
Votes should be sent to the President. In order to vote, the same criteria are used as for Elected Officer elections. Votes can be cast stating simply screen name, and the words CONFIDENCE or NO CONFIDENCE, as appropriate. The vote will be by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, then the casting vote shall be for CONFIDENCE.
All members who fulfil the criteria are entitled to vote, with the exception of the subject of the no-confidence vote.
One week shall be allowed for voting. The announcement of the result will be posted to the Discussion Group no later than 24 hours after the conclusion of the vote.
No debate on this issue will be allowed on any forum with the exception of the Canvassing section of SABRE Admin, and the remaining members of the management or moderating team shall be required to delete any messages regarding the no-confidence vote, other than those required postings by the President. The President will post the arguments in favour of and against the no-confidence vote, as presented in the complaints received and any response made by the Elected Officer concerned. A new thread should be used for all different votes.
If all members of a management or moderating team are subject to a no-confidence vote simultaneously, then the President may assume such powers.
Any queries regarding the process should be sent directly to the President via e-mail, and a response shall be given by e-mail, as well as on the boards should the President deem necessary.
No-confidence in Appointed Officers
Appointed Officers are nominated by the President and approved by the Admin Group.
If the President receives three or more complaints from different members of the Admin Group about an Appointed Officer between AGMs then the President shall hold a no-confidence vote of members of the Admin Group. The procedure for voting shall be by simple majority. Only those members of the Admin Group who joined more than a day before the announcement of the vote are eligible to vote.
Before any no-confidence vote takes place, the President's first action is to contact the Appointed Officer concerned by e-mail and inform them that complaints have been received and that a no-confidence vote is imminent. The Appointed Officer will then have time, at the President's discretion, to explain their actions and provide a counter-argument to the complaints.
No debate on this issue will be allowed on any forum with the exception of the Canvassing section of SABRE Admin, and the remaining members of the management or moderating team shall be required to delete any messages regarding the no-confidence vote, other than those required postings by the President. The President will post the arguments in favour of and against the no-confidence vote, as presented in the complaints received and any response made by the Appointed Officer concerned. A new thread should be used for all different votes.
Votes can be cast stating simply screen name, and the words CONFIDENCE or NO CONFIDENCE, as appropriate. In the event of a tie, then the casting vote shall be for CONFIDENCE.
Affiliated websites, the SABRE Archive and Internet Domain Names
The Admin Group is responsible for the UK Roads Portal, and any internet domain names used by the Society. There are Appointed Officer positions of Portal Administrator and of Domain Name Administrator who are charged with carrying out day-to-day administration of these items.
The administrators of all the websites listed on the UK Roads Portal are strongly encouraged to become Active Members of SABRE and to join the Admin Group.
The Admin Group is also responsible for the SABRE Archive. There is an Appointed Officer position of Archivist, who is appointed to maintain the Archive.
Other websites may be created under the auspices of SABRE, as long as they have the approval of the Admin Group. The creators of such sites are responsible for maintaining them.
Portal Applications
Sites can apply to join the Portal by email to the Portal Administrator.
Sites can also be nominated to the Portal Administrator by members of SABRE.
All websites listed on the Portal should have English as their primary language, or offer English language versions of the majority of information contained within. They should also compliment the Aims of Society as listed above.
The Portal Administrator shall contact the site by email (and if nominated, establishes whether the site wishes to join), and confirms that site is willing to abide by the SABRE Constitution as far as the Portal is concerned, and whether the site is eligible to join with regard to the criteria stated above.
After the Portal Administrator is satisfied, they shall post a message to SABRE Admin giving the site name, and the URL, and giving the cut off date for objections.
Members of the Admin Group have seven days from the posting of the notification to object. If two objections are received by the Portal Administrator, then the President shall run a vote on the application on SABRE Admin by simple majority. Only those members of the Admin Group who joined more than a day before the posting of the notification are eligible to vote. Votes can be cast stating simply screen name, and the words ACCEPT or REJECT, as appropriate. If the vote is tied, the casting vote shall be against membership of the Portal.
If no more than one objection is received after two weeks, the Portal Administrator shall add the site to the Portal.
Amendments to the Constitution
Amendments to the Constitution may either be made at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). In either case the process shall be in accordance with the following procedure.
An EGM is called by the President when a proposed Constitutional Amendment is submitted to the President with the support of a minimum of 10 members. This submission must include the full text of the proposed amendment, and should state the text to be removed from the Constitution, if applicable.
There is no limit to the number of amendments to the Constitution that can be made at each EGM.
The President shall publish the proposed amendment(s) on the Discussion Group. This publication shall set out a timetable for the remainder of the EGM procedure in accordance with the Constitution. The timetable shall include a Discussion Period and a Voting Period.
There shall be a minimum of 8 weeks between the end of one Voting Period and the start of another Voting Period. No Voting Period shall begin within 8 weeks either side of the AGM.
The President shall instigate the EGM procedure within two weeks of receiving a proposal for a Constitutional Amendment, except where this means that a Voting Period will begin less than 8 weeks after the end of the last voting period. In this case, the President shall publish the Constitutional Amendment and open the Discussion Period between 6 and 8 weeks after the close of the previous voting period.
A two week Discussion Period shall be given by the President for the purpose of debating the amendment and any alternative proposals on SABRE Admin. The President may, at his/her discretion, extend the Discussion Period by up to a further two weeks.
Not less than one week before the end of the discussion period, a meeting shall be held in the main SABRE Chat Room to discuss the amendment(s). This meeting shall be advertised on the Discussion Group at the time the President publishes the Notice of an EGM, and on at least two other occasions on the Discussion Group prior to the meeting in the Chat room. The minutes of the Chat room meeting shall be published on SABRE Admin within 24 hours of the end of the Chat session ending.
During the Discussion Period, any Active Member may propose an alternative amendment to that being considered by the EGM. This must be on the same topic as the original amendment, and must be worded in the form in which it will appear in the Constitution if approved.
Following completion of the Discussion Period, the Voting Period will take place. The President shall announce the vote in accordance with SABRE rules on the Discussion Group. The electorate will be all Active Members of SABRE on the day before the Amendment is published by the President.
The amendments will appear in the following order in the invitation to vote:
- The original proposed amendment;
- Any alternative amendments, in the order they were submitted to the President;
- No change to the constitution.
Voting will be in accordance with the Single Transferable Vote system.
SABRE Admin Group 29 September 2004