User talk:Ravenbluemoon

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There's no need to use the ~~~~ code in articles - it's for signing talk pages. There's no need to record what you wrote on the pages themselves as we can extrapolate this from the page's history. :) M5lenzar 17:58, 30 May 2009 (UTC)

A38 portal

I don't think we should be splitting more pages into multiple route sections. The A1 is barely long enough to justify it and we certainly don't have enough content to do the same with the A38. One route page a road is enough IMHO. M5lenzar 23:18, 26 April 2010 (UTC)

I would disagree. I have managed to create 9 pages on the A82, most of which still don't cover the road in as much detail as I have to hand. The A82 is roughly half the length of the A38. As long as the original RD/updated page is left intact for those readers only interested in a quick overview, I suggest that if there are Sabristi with the information to create detail sections, then we should encourage it. I know that I could create a long page for the A38 from Bridgwater to Bristol with no difficulty.
Shouldn't this be with the rest of the discussion? Rileyrob 07:56, 27 April 2010 (UTC)

I very much support splitting pages for the F99, motorways or other key routes, not as a "must do", but on a "when someone has the time to write some extra content" basis Haydn1971 13:28, 28 April 2010 (UTC)

Currently I'm holding fire with the A38 updates, I've found a few bits to work on that weren't done in the first place and I'm working on them first. I'll let the people decide if it's worth carrying on with it or diverting onto something else...Ravenbluemoon 22:48, 28 April 2010 (UTC)

Route Lists on Junction pages


I'm really sorry I haven't spotted this before, but when you're updating route lists for junction pages that use Template:RL, then Class III roads have their own special type, class3. This should be used instead of non primary to give it the special Class III colour scheme in use elsewhere - the faded grey number of course referring to the fact that they shouldn't actually appear on the signs.

I've gone back over your last 2,000 changes, and I think I've caught them all listed within, so you should find the vast majority have now been updated.

Steven (talk) 22:41, 26 May 2023 (BST)

Aha, apologies, I didn't know about the class3 type for the junction pages! Makes sense as they don't appear on signs, but just wanted to add something for completeness. I reckon you should have caught everything if you've gone that far back, Class 3s didn't really come to my attention Wiki wise until recently... but I'll see if there's any you didn't find.
ravenbluemoon (talk) 13:37, 27 May 2023 (BST)
Ah, worry not! You've added a lot more to them than anyone else, so it's hardly surprising it's not at all obvious that it exists! It is available for all things that use the RL template - so it can be used within Place articles too - I've not checked whether you've added any there. Steven (talk) 14:26, 27 May 2023 (BST)

Isle of Man C Roads

Hi, I'm sure you've made some comment about these somewhere, but can't find it. The Isle of Man GIS system has the C roads mapped: You have to zoom right in, and you will find that C class roads are not necessarily the same as they are in the UK - there are hundreds of them ( I can certainly see a C1837 in Onchan) and many are suburban loops and cul de sacs. They also frequently change number when the street name changes. There are some D and U routes here and there, but I think I worked out that C is a catch-all for two-way roads.

I picked out a handful of the more interesting routes after our holiday there last year, but its a problem of knowing where to stop thereafter. Certainly any C routes coloured Green (Local routes, which includes most B roads and even some A roads) are probably worth adding to the Wiki, and then just a matter of picking out any others that look interesting. Even a table listing 1800+ street names seems a bit of overkill for the Wiki. Rileyrob (talk) 11:27, 29 July 2024 (UTC)

Hi Rileyrob, I've just noticed this, I failed to zoom in enough when I first looked - I certainly wouldn't be interested in picking up all the little dead ends and housing estate roads. Looking at it, the C1-C40 range seems to show the most major routes so I would probably stop at that and make a note of it on the map page. Numbers higher than that don't seem to be that important really. The ones that seem to come up internet searches (usually on some some of race route) I'd add, but after seeing the mess of Oxfordshire with its numerous numbers on a single route, I'm not going to be making work for myself!

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