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Whirlpool Junctions are used where two major routes (usually Motorways) cross, and provide a fully free-flowing set of sliproads between the two routes. The name comes from the layout of the right turn sliproads, which are spiralled into a Whirlpool type layout. The left turn slips form a diamond shape around the outside of the junction. Those junctions which follow the general Whirlpool principles, but not the actual layout can also be called Octopus Junctions.

Not all Whirlpool Junctions have full access between routes, with some having one or more sliproads missing for local reasons. There are also modified Whirlpool junctions, where one or more sliproads does not conform to the general Whirlpool layout, again due to local topography or similar. However, the two that have been built in the UK, both on the M25, are full access junctions.

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Hamilton Interchange - wide aerial from south.jpgHamilton Interchange - aerial of centre from south.jpg
Junction Types
At gradeCrossroads • CYCLOPS • Fiveways • Gyratory • Hamburger Junction • Longabout • Magic Gyratory • Magic Roundabout • Roundabout • T Junction
Single mainlineDiamond • Diverging Diamond • Dumbbell • LILO • Roundabout interchange • Single Point Urban Interchange • Single sliproad junction
Multiple mainlineCloverleaf • Directional T • Four Level Stack • Grade separated • Parclo • Trumpet Junction • Whirlpool

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