Category:T Roads (Northern Ireland)

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The Northern Irish Roads Service's internal classification.

T1 to T10 were created in 19?? with major changes and expansion of the network in 1998. T1-9, and the later T11-20, are numbered in roughly clockwise patterns centered on Belfast and starting on the south shore of Belfast Lough, with the roads out east from the city.


Route From To Length



Primary Route
Non Primary Route
Former Motorway
Defunct Route
E Road
Future Motorway
Future Primary
Future Non Primary
Historical Route
Tourist Route
Roman Road
Unbuilt Motorway
Unbuilt Primary
Unbuilt Non Primary
National Cycle Network
Cycle Route
Eurovelo Cycle Route

Pages needing work

Star Ratings

A break down of all pages in this category by star rating.

5 star Star.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar.png


4 star Star.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar grey.png


3 star Star.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.png


2 star Star.pngStar.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.png

T6 (Northern Ireland)
T7 (Northern Ireland)

1 star Star.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.png

T1 (Northern Ireland)
T2 (Northern Ireland)
T3 (Northern Ireland)
T4 (Northern Ireland)
T5 (Northern Ireland)
T8 (Northern Ireland)
T9 (Northern Ireland)
T10 (Northern Ireland)
T11 (Northern Ireland)
T12 (Northern Ireland)
T13 (Northern Ireland)
T14 (Northern Ireland)
T15 (Northern Ireland)
T16 (Northern Ireland)
T17 (Northern Ireland)
T18 (Northern Ireland)
T19 (Northern Ireland)
T21 (Northern Ireland)
T20 (Northern Ireland)
T22 (Northern Ireland)
T23 (Northern Ireland)

0 star Star grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.png


Articles without a rating Star grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.png


Infobox Maps status

A break down of all road pages in this category: pages which need a map are coloured red, pages which already have one are coloured green. This page is dependant on the map being used in the infobox.


Page needs a map
Page has a SABRE Maps extract
Page has a map image

T11 (Northern Ireland)
T12 (Northern Ireland)
T13 (Northern Ireland)
T14 (Northern Ireland)
T15 (Northern Ireland)
T16 (Northern Ireland)
T17 (Northern Ireland)
T18 (Northern Ireland)
T19 (Northern Ireland)
T21 (Northern Ireland)
T20 (Northern Ireland)
T22 (Northern Ireland)
T23 (Northern Ireland)

T1 (Northern Ireland)
T2 (Northern Ireland)
T3 (Northern Ireland)
T4 (Northern Ireland)
T5 (Northern Ireland)
T6 (Northern Ireland)
T7 (Northern Ireland)
T8 (Northern Ireland)
T9 (Northern Ireland)
T10 (Northern Ireland)

Image Gallery status


Articles with image(s) in their Gallery page
Articles without image(s) in their Gallery page

T1 (Northern Ireland)
T2 (Northern Ireland)
T3 (Northern Ireland)
T4 (Northern Ireland)
T5 (Northern Ireland)
T6 (Northern Ireland)
T7 (Northern Ireland)
T8 (Northern Ireland)
T9 (Northern Ireland)
T10 (Northern Ireland)
T11 (Northern Ireland)
T12 (Northern Ireland)
T13 (Northern Ireland)
T14 (Northern Ireland)
T15 (Northern Ireland)
T16 (Northern Ireland)
T17 (Northern Ireland)
T18 (Northern Ireland)
T19 (Northern Ireland)
T21 (Northern Ireland)
T20 (Northern Ireland)
T22 (Northern Ireland)
T23 (Northern Ireland)

Needs County Info

Needs Authority Info

Needs Grid References

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