Gallery:Philips MA90

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Philips MA90
1980s geared MA90 on Butts Green Road - Coppermine - 23005.jpg
1980s geared MA90 on Butts Green Road

Butts Green Road is lit predominantly by these 1980s geared MA90s on sleeved concrete columns. There are some casual replacements with Alpha 8s, SGS203s and Iridiums, but most columns still have what I presume are the original lanterns to the sleeving.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Aug 28, 2009 by Rojojnr
Philips MA90 on Suttons Lane -2 - Coppermine - 23003.jpg
Philips MA90 on Suttons Lane #2

This is the longer bracketed version of the installations on Suttons Lane.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Aug 28, 2009 by Rojojnr
Philips MA90 on Suttons Lane -3 - Coppermine - 23004.jpg
Philips MA90 on Suttons Lane #3

Another short-bracketed version.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Aug 28, 2009 by Rojojnr
Philips MA90 on Suttons Lane - Coppermine - 22996.jpg
Philips MA90 on Suttons Lane

Suttons Lane after Hornchurch underground station is lit with MA90s on these Fabrikat columns (only one casual replacement in sight, and that's an MA50). Unfortunately, however, some 1980s geared MA90s on sleeved concrete columns (which lit the other end of the road up to the tube station) haven't been so lucky - since I was last down here 5 or 6 years ago, the whole lot has been replaced with post-top Urbis Sapphires. They were in a rather manky condition, however, so I suppose they did their time.

UPDATE 2010: I discovered that the post-top Sapphires were installed in early 2009 in a pavement improvement scheme, prompting the replacement of the MA90s on the sleeved concretes lighting the first half of the road.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Aug 28, 2009 by Rojojnr
Philips MA90 off North Street - Coppermine - 20942.jpg
Philips MA90 off North Street

Lighting a road junction off North Street is this solitary MA90, which wasn't replaced when the whole of North Street was relit with ZX3s. By the way, it looks as if some new columns with black ZX3s have gone up on North Street, as there are some brand-new-looking unpainted columns among the original white-and-green-painted columns! Which lanterns do you think stood the test of time here?

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Dec 07, 2008 by Rojojnr
Unidentified Lantern replacing MA90 - Coppermine - 9355.jpg
Unidentified Lantern replacing MA90 Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Nov 29, 2006 by Bryn666
Philips MA90 (gear-in-base) on a Sleeved Eleco Column - Coppermine - 18387.jpg
Philips MA90 (gear-in-base) on a Sleeved Eleco Column

This lantern-column combination was very common across the village of Birchington and in some roads in Margate, but most of them have been replaced en masse by the WRTL Arc on Stainton columns. However, odd examples still exist here and there and this road (Park Lane in Birchington) still retains most of its concrete stock, despite there being SGS203s, CU Phosco P678s and WRTL Arcs standing in as casual replacements, the latter being used as retrofits as well as replacements on new columns.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 10, 2008 by Rojojnr
Philips MA90 on Stanton - Coppermine - 18593.jpg
Philips MA90 on Stanton

This is what the installation pictured with the retrofitted Arc would've looked like originally! Although I said that installation looked good, this one pictured looks even better, especially now as the MA90 lantern has turned the same colour as the bracket!

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 16, 2008 by Rojojnr
Dayburning MA90 on Stanton concrete - Coppermine - 18871.jpg
Dayburning MA90 on Stanton concrete

The next lantern up from the retrofitted Arc is this dayburning MA90 on a Stanton concrete column. The lantern looks fantastic installed on this type of concrete bracket and really complements its shape! Having said that, I think the Arc also looks great on these installations!

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 29, 2008 by Rojojnr
A non-dayburning MA90 on a Stanton concrete - Coppermine - 18872.jpg
A non-dayburning MA90 on a Stanton concrete

Here's an identical view of another Stanton installation nearby to the dayburning one, but non-dayburning this time!

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 29, 2008 by Rojojnr
MA90 on a badly spalling (possibly Eleco) concrete column - Coppermine - 18873.jpg
MA90 on a badly spalling (possibly Eleco) concrete column

This possible Eleco concrete will need to be sleeved very soon by the looks of things - the bracket has spalled severely, revealing the metal rods underneath which hold the concrete in place! Knowing Thanet District council though, I think they'll be more likely to replace it with an Arc on a Stainton column!

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 29, 2008 by Rojojnr
Gear-in-base MA90 - Coppermine - 18874.jpg
Gear-in-base MA90

Here's a view of what the retrofitted CU installation would've looked like before having the Arc fitted! The gear-in-base MA90 looks great here, but as I said, I think the Arc also finishes off the installation quite nicely!

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 29, 2008 by Rojojnr
Eternal replacement! - Coppermine - 18875.jpg
Eternal replacement!

This MA90 on a sleeved Eleco column has been awaiting replacement by this Arc for 2-3 years now, and it still hasn't been removed! I think the Arc is probably in nightly service though - I think the MA90 has been disconnected and is waiting to be yanked out of the ground!

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jun 29, 2008 by Rojojnr
Philips MA90 on stump bracket on Reculver Road - Coppermine - 21012.JPG
Philips MA90 on stump bracket on Reculver Road

Rounding a corner on Reculver Road reveals these MA90s installed on some Devon-style stump brackets. Very nice indeed! Even the Arc doesn't look too bad on these columns - there are some columns behind me which have had Arcs installed as casual replacements.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Dec 15, 2008 by Rojojnr
50 on sleeved concrete on Butts Green Road - Coppermine - 23008.jpg
Later MA90/50 on sleeved concrete on Butts Green Road

There is also a single casual replacement in the form of a later MA90 (or MA50) installed on the taller sleeve on Butts Green Road.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Aug 28, 2009 by Rojojnr
MAs and GR150 on Woodford High Road - Coppermine - 20358.jpg
MAs and GR150 on Woodford High Road

Apologies for the intrusive sun in this image, but you can just make out that at the junction where Woodford High Road forks into a roundabout, a double-bracket installation with a geared MA90 and gear-in-lantern MA50 can be seen on the central reservation. In the background, you can see an original GR150, still flourishing on its 1970s bracket!

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Oct 17, 2008 by Rojojnr
MA90s on A299 -2 - Coppermine - 19751.jpg
MA90s on A299 #2

Here's the slip road installation for quieter slip roads - a 90w MA90 installed on a shorter column than the main carriageway.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Aug 25, 2008 by Rojojnr
SOX lamps (not my image) - Coppermine - 19716.jpg
SOX lamps (not my image)

MA90's on both sides lighting up this motorway very well after it has rained.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Aug 20, 2008 by lampman
SOX lamps (not my images) - Coppermine - 19715.jpg
SOX lamps (not my images)

MA90's lighting up a motorway after it was rained. See how well the road is lit.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Aug 20, 2008 by lampman
Various streetlights in Middlesbrough - Coppermine - 10005.JPG
Various streetlights in Middlesbrough

On the flyover we have gear-in-shoe MA90's. Directly below that column are some fancy globes. To the right of the globes is a flat-glass ZX2. To the left of the 'yorkshire bank' sign is a phillips lantern (a take on the SRL8)

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Jan 27, 2007 by True Yorkie
Geared MA90 on sleeved Eleco column in Westgate - Coppermine - 20537.jpg
Geared MA90 on sleeved Eleco column in Westgate

Yet another SOX loner is this remote geared MA90 with a small shoe on a sleeved Eleco column, like the one pictured on Park Lane. The rest of the road is lit with MRL6s, P678s and a few SGS203s (no Arcs!!!), so that makes a change at least! I still think that Thanet should get their lighting schemes sorted out though, as this is mixing of lighting outputs is just stupid!

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Oct 30, 2008 by Rojojnr
Philips MA90 on sleeved concrete column on Butts Green Road - Coppermine - 23006.jpg
Philips MA90 on sleeved concrete column on Butts Green Road

The second most common installation on Butts Green Road are these slightly taller sleeved concretes with gear-in-base MA90s as opposed to gear-in-shoe.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Aug 28, 2009 by Rojojnr
Philips MA90 on shorter sleeved bracket on Butts Green Road - Coppermine - 23007.jpg
Philips MA90 on shorter sleeved bracket on Butts Green Road

A shorter bracketed version of the previous installation.

Originally uploaded to Coppermine on Aug 28, 2009 by Rojojnr
IMG 4791.JPG tamworth 2.jpg
Philips MA90 lantern, on 8 metre steel column. Tamworth, Staffs.
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Philips MA90 lanterns, on 8 metre double-bracket steel column. Tamworth, Staffs.
IMG 5139.JPG hanwood, shrewsbury, shropshire.jpg
Hanwood Bank, just south of Shrewsbury. Most of the street lighting lanterns along this road are Philips MA90s, but these are the odd few casual replacements. Thorn R2L2 and Philips Iridium.
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Concrete column with Philips MA90 lantern that was in Stourbridge. Sadly all of these concrete street lights down this road have since been replaced.
6674.JPG December 2018 Philips MA Concrete Column.jpg
Image from December 2018. Concrete column with Philips MA90 lantern. In the background is newer installation with Holophane QSM lantern, which would of replaced an old concrete column. There are also zebra crossing ZX3s on shorter columns too. Quite a mix variety of street lights along this stretch of road.
IMG 8911.JPG Northycote Lane.jpg
Northycote Lane, Bushbury, north of Wolverhampton. 10m concrete columns with Philips MA90s and Thorn Alpha 1s (both LPS/SOX) getting being replaced along this road. The new posts are 8m steel post-tops with Philips Digistreets (LED).
8922.JPG Philips MAs on Paget Rd.jpg
Old 1970s style street lights with Philips MA90s. This is along Paget Road, Wolverhampton. The previous lanterns were probably Thorn Alpha 1s.
IMG 1408.JPG S&L MA90 Lichfield.jpg
Old 8m Stewart & Lloyd street lights with Philips MA90s at night. These lanterns still wouldn't have been the originals. This is on Sandford Street in Lichfield.
IMG 1432.JPG s&l column philips ma90.jpg
Old green coloured 8m S&L street light with a Philips MA90, which wouldn't have been the original lantern. This is on the outskirts of Shrewsbury, along Sundorne Rd.
IMG 2744.JPG Philips MA50 MA90.jpg
Close up of an old bracket with either a Philips MA50 or MA90. The column is quite short and one of those that were made for going underneath overhead wiring. I think I vaguely remember the previous lantern being a Thorn Alpha 1 back in the 2000s. This is along the Cannock Rd in the Staffordshire village of Westcroft.

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