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Luing Ferry

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Luing Ferry
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From:  Cuan, Seil
To:  Luing
Distance:  0.3 km (0.2 miles)
Current Operator
Argyll & Bute Council
On road(s)


In 1963 this service took 15 minutes to cross to Luing, running from 8/9am until 4/6pm (summer and winter varied). There was no Sunday service, and cars couldn't be carried at low tide, but at least the ferry was free!


The narrow Sound of Cuan

The service is now normally operated by the 3-car Grey Dog, which despite having a side wheelhouse only has a loading ramp at one end. This forces all vehicles using it to reverse either on or off of the ferry. The crossing takes less than 5 minutes, and runs every half hour for much of the day during the summer months, with a reduced timetable on Sundays and during the winter. Indeed, in the winter months the Sunday service and some evening crossings are restricted to passengers only.


Name IMO Operator Dates Notes
Belnahua Argyll and Bute Council 1972-date 6 cars
Grey Dog Argyll and Bute Council ?-date 3 Cars; relief only
Maid of Luing Argyll CC 1953-75 (relief from 1972) 2 Cars


There are currently investigations into the future of this crossing, with a choice of a fixed link (bridge) or continued ferry service. If, as now seems likely, the ferry is retained then the 2013 Ferry Review allows for the possibility of Calmac taking over the route from the council.

Luing Ferry
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