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Three Bridges Roundabout (Falkirk)

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Three Bridges
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Highway Authority
Junction Type
Roads Joined
A803, A883
Junctions related to the A803
Junctions related to the A883
This article is about The Three Bridges Roundabout in Falkirk.
For other Three Bridges Roundabouts, see Three Bridges Roundabout

Three Bridges Roundabout lies a short distance to the west of Camelon, Falkirk's western suburb. It takes its name from the three railway bridges which once stood between the junction and the town, although the western bridge has long since been removed, indeed was probably removed before the roundabout was built. The main route through the junction is the east-west A803, with the A883 heading north west to the M876 and on to Denny. This connection obviously increased turning traffic at the junction, which was formerly a simple T junction. However, it was the construction of the Millenium Project Falkirk Wheel that brought a new influx of tourist traffic to Falkirk, and the southern arm of the roundabout leads to the vast car parks which serve the wheel and also a Park and Ride site.


Route To Notes


Falkirk, Camelon




Glasgow, Edinburgh (M876), Denny
Falkirk Wheel, Park and Ride

Three Bridges Roundabout (Falkirk)

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