Category:Loch nam Madadh

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Star Ratings

A break down of all pages in this category by star rating.

5 star Star.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar.png


4 star Star.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar grey.png

B891 (North Uist)
B892 (North Uist)

3 star Star.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.png

A865/North Uist
Loch nam Madadh

2 star Star.pngStar.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.png

Uig - North Uist Ferry
C82 (Eilean Siar)

1 star Star.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.png


0 star Star grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.png


Articles without a rating Star grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.png


Infobox Maps status

A break down of all road pages in this category: pages which need a map are coloured red, pages which already have one are coloured green. This page is dependant on the map being used in the infobox.


Page needs a map
Page has a SABRE Maps extract
Page has a map image

A865/North Uist
B891 (North Uist)
B892 (North Uist)
C82 (Eilean Siar)

Image Gallery status


Articles with image(s) in their Gallery page
Articles without image(s) in their Gallery page

A865/North Uist
B891 (North Uist)
B892 (North Uist)
Uig - North Uist Ferry

C82 (Eilean Siar)
Loch nam Madadh

Pages in category 'Loch nam Madadh'

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.

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