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Chapelhill Bridge

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Chapelhill Bridge
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From:  Luncarty
To:  Harrietfield
Highway Authority
Perth and Kinross
Additional Information
Bridge Type:  Arch Bridge
On road(s)
Crossings related to the B8063
The Bridge at Chapelhill carrying the current B8063

Chapelhill Bridge carries the B8063 across a small, apparently unnamed, tributary of the River Almond at Chapelhill in Glen Almond. It is a small, single span stone arch set on a sweeping S-bend in the small wooded glen through which the burn descends to the river. The bridge is partially covered in moss which makes it difficult to see the details, but it appears to be built from rubble stonework rising up to low parapets which curve down to the ground at each corner. There are also battered abutments, although this is more substantial buttressing than is often seen. The roadway is just about two lanes wide, although with the bends at either end, on the rare occasion when traffic does meet at it, one vehicle seems to give way to the other. There are also very narrow pavements, although again these are covered in moss and leaf litter.

Old Bridge

The Bridge at Chapelhill carrying the former B8063

Until the mid 1960s, the bridge described above carried a minor road, not the B8063, which previously took a straighter route through Chapelhill. The reasons for the re-routing are uncertain, although the older line had a steep gradient from the bridge to the houses and the bridge itself is also now in very poor repair. Today, the old road is a muddy, overgrown footpath, while one face of the bridge has partially collapsed, taking the parapet with it.

Chapelhill Bridge
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