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Sligachan Hotel

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Sligachan Hotel
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Sligachan, Isle of Skye
Highway Authority
Transport Scotland
Junction Type
Roads Joined
A87, A863
Looking across the bridges to the junction

The Sligachan Hotel sits at the junction of the A87 and the A863 on the Isle of Skye. The hotel is a magnet for hill walkers, lying in the very shadow of the majestic Black Cuillin which dominate the surrounding landscape. Apart from the hotel, there is very little here, just a campsite and a few scattered cottages, but it is an awe inspiring place to visit. The hotel is also reputed to have one of the largest selections of Whisky in Scotland!

The junction lies immediately to the west of the River Sligachan, and is a simple T-junction with the A87 sweeping from east to north and the A863 winding up through the hills to the west. The junction used to be sited at the hotel entrance from the A863, but when the new Sligachan Bridge was constructed across the river, the junction was moved to the new road, leaving the old route of the A87 to the hotel for additional parking, and the walkers as a quiet footbridge. The A863 also seems to have been realigned, with its old route now running past the mountain rescue post, offering more parking spaces.


Route To Notes


Skye Bridge, Caol Loch Aillse / Kyle of Lochalsh


Portree / Port Rìgh, Ùige /Uig


Dunvegan / Dùn Bheagain

Sligachan Hotel
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