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Scottish Scenic Routes Initiative

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The Scottish Scenic Routes Initiative is about creating art/architecture installations along scenic routes (not necessarily roads). Cairngorms National Park has been promoting its installations as being part of the Snow Roads Scenic Route. Others are looking to do the same, though haven't reached that stage of the marketing process yet.

The pilot stage ran from mid-2013 to March 2016.

Locations of Installations:


Scottish Scenic Routes Initiative
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Scottish Tourist Routes
National RoutesAngus Coastal Tourist Route • Argyll Coastal Route • Borders Historic Route • Clyde Valley Tourist Route • Deeside Tourist Route • Fife Coastal Tourist Route • Forth Valley Tourist Route • Galloway Tourist Route • Highland Tourist Route • Moray Firth Tourist Route • North & West Highlands Tourist Route • Perthshire Tourist Route
Scenic RoutesGreat Glen Scenic Route • Lomond & Trossachs Scenic Route • Snow Roads Scenic Route
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TrailsBurns Heritage Trail • Castles Trail • Clyde Sea Lochs Trail • East Lothian Coastal Trail • East Lothian Hillfoots Trail • East Lothian Saltire Trail • Kintyre Trail • Malt Whisky Trail • North East Coastal Trail • Pictish Trail • Solway Coast Heritage Trail • Tower Trail • Trossachs Trail • Victorian Heritage Trail • Wester Ross Coastal Trail
OtherBerwickshire Coastal Route • Dornoch Tourist Routes • Road to the Isles • Scottish Castles Route

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