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Nith Lodge Bridge

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Nith Lodge Bridge
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From:  New Cumnock
To:  Dalmellington
Nith Lodge
Highway Authority
East Ayrshire
On road(s)
Crossings related to the B741

Nith Lodge Bridge or Nith Bridge carries the B741 across the River Nith on the moors South West of New Cumnock. It is the highest road bridge on the river, which rises in the forest to the south. The bridge itself appears to be more of a large culvert, built on a skew, with the grass verges continuing on either side of the road, sloping down towards the river, although the banks are very overgrown preventing easy access to see the precise nature of the structure. A curious fragment of stone wall stands on the west bank immediately downstream of the current crossing point, perhaps the remnants of an old stone arch bridge which would have crossed at right angles, or maybe part of another structure entirely.

Nith Lodge Bridge
Crossings of the River Nith and Tributaries
River NithNith Lodge Bridge • Nith Bridge (New Cumnock) • Guildhall Bridge • Kirkconnel Bridge • Blackaddie Bridge • Eliock Bridge • Glenairlie Bridge • Drumlanrig Bridge • Nith Bridge • Auldgirth Bridge • Dumfries Bypass Bridge 3 • Dumfries Bypass Bridge 2 • Dumfries Bypass Bridge • New Bridge (Dumfries) • St Michaels Bridge
Shinnel Water & Scaur WaterTynron Bridge • Shinnel Bridge • Arkland Bridge • Scaur Bridge • Keir Bridge
Other TributariesAfton Bridge • Spango Bridge • Crawick Bridge

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