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Johnstone Bridge

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Johnstone Bridge
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From:  Lockerbie
To:  Beattock
Highway Authority
Dumfries and Galloway
Opening Date
1818, 1939, 1960s, 1994
On road(s)
A74(M) • B7076

There are currently two bridges spanning the River Annan at Johnstonebridge. The older one was first built in 1939 to replace a wide, single stone arch built by Thomas Telford in 1818. The new bridge initially carried the S2 A74, but by the 1960s traffic levels had increased so much that the bridge was doubled in width. This bridge is also a single arch span, but of concrete faced with rubble stone. After the A74 was replaced by the motorway, the old bridge was downgraded to be part of the B7076. The roadway, although not the bridge, was subsequently reduced back to a single carriageway, and the excess space on the upstream side of the bridge has been grassed over.

The Motorway crossing of the Annan is just a short distance upstream of the older bridge. The A74(M) is carried on a single span girder bridge supporting a concrete deck, and was completed in the mid 1990s.

Johnstone Bridge
Crossings of the River Annan, and Tributaries
River AnnanNew Bridge (Moffat) • Annan Bridge (Moffat) • Johnstone Bridge • Millhouse Bridge • Shillahill Bridge • Hoddom Bridge • Annan Bypass Bridge • Annan Bridge (Annan)
River Kinnel and tributariesSt Anns Bridge • Kinnel Bridge • Water of Ae Bridge
Evan WaterHectors Bridge • Beattock Bridge • Greenhillstairs Bridge
Other TributariesMein Bridge

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