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Coylum Bridge

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Coylum Bridge
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From:  Aviemore
To:  Cairngorm
Highway Authority
Additional Information
Bridge Type:  Concrete Bridge
On road(s)
B970 • A951
Crossings related to the B970
The Junction across the bridge

The B970 crosses the River Druie at Coylumbridge, immediately before the river splits into the River Luineag and Am Beanaidh. On the east bank of the river, the road also splits, with the B970 turning north at a TOTSO, while the through route continues east high into the mountains and the Cairngorm Ski Centre. This road was briefly the A951, hence the TOTSO junction and high quality of the road.

The bridge itself appears to date from the 1930s, and is a single span concrete arch bridge. There was clearly an earlier crossing here, but no obvious evidence remains, and as old maps show the bridge right at the confluence of the two rivers, as the modern bridge is, it seems probable that the same site was re-used.

Coylum Bridge
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Coylum-br1.jpgCoylum-br2.jpgA951 Bartholomew Tourist 1980.pngA951-1976.jpg
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