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Gartarry Roundabout

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Gartarry Roundabout
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Clackmannanshire • Fife
Highway Authority
Transport Scotland
Junction Type
Roads Joined
A907, A977
Junctions related to the A907
Junctions related to the A977

Gartarry Roundabout is a curious junction in that only one arm is part of the primary / trunk road network, that being the southern arm of the A977. The reason behind this is related to the construction of the Clackmannanshire Bridge a short distance to the south, and this junction is the 'distribution point', where traffic from the bridge heads off in a variety of directions. The roundabout sits on the site of a historic crossroads, but is now a 5-arm junction, thanks to the construction of the Clackmannan Bypass.

The primary A977 therefore approaches from the south, and continues as a non primary route to the north, heading for Kinross. The A907 meanwhile manages to approach from the north west, and head north east, running from Alloa to the west, on to Dunfermline. The fifth arm heads slightly south of west and is the former A907 route into Clackmannan.

The short detached spur of the A985

One final curiosity relating to this junction is that in the past, before the Clackmannanshire Bridge was even conceived, there was a 'short cut' to the south west, connecting the A977 to the A907, and taking traffic between Alloa and the Kincardine Bridge. This road was a very short, disconnected section of the A985 which met the A977 at the old Kilbagie Roundabout. It is now closed up.


Route To Notes


Kincardine Bridge (A876)


Stirling, Alloa, H.M. Prison Glenochil




Perth, Tay Bridge (M90) signed occasionally as primary
Kennet, Clackmannan Former A907

Gartarry Roundabout
Other nearby junctions
Kincardine Bridge

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