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Stockton Ring Road
From:  Stockton-on-Tees (NZ443186)
To:  Stockton-on-Tees (NZ445198)
Distance:  2.2 miles (3.5 km)
Meets:  A139, A177, A1046, A1130, A135, A1305
Highway Authorities


Traditional Counties


Route outline (key)
A1305 Stockton-on-Tees Ring Road

Although most of the A130x roads are on the Cambridgeshire/Suffolk border the A1305 is an exception, being the Stockton-on-Tees ring road.

The northernmost point of the road is at a roundabout by St Mary's Church, where it meets the A139 and A177. From here heading clockwise, the road heads southeastwards along the D2 Maritime Road. A surprising number of houses front onto this road. Presently a set of traffic lights is met marking the start of a gyratory. In this direction A1305 traffic has to go round three sides of a rectangle (with a car dealership in the middle), meeting the A1046 en route. Anticlockwise traffic merely uses the fourth side. The two directions meet again at traffic lights at the northern end of the unclassified Princess of Wales Bridge over the River Tees. We stay on the Durham bank of the river, however.

Riverside, Stockton

The road continues along Riverside, following the Tees upstream. The river soon moves away to the left and we reach a signalised crossroads, now at the southernmost point on the road. Left is the A1130 and ahead the A135; we turn right.

The road runs between the town centre and Trinity Green, with the ruined church in its centre, to cross another roundabout. The road now drops significantly in quality - instead of a D2 bypass we are now an S2 town road lined with the shops that you get on the edge of town centres. After a set of traffic lights by the ARC theatre the road becomes S4 and soon bends to the left taking on the air of a bypass once more; it isn't long before the central reservation comes back. There is another short S4 stretch past a multi-storey car park but then the road remains D2 as we head northeastwards along Allison Street. The tower of St Mary's soon becomes visible and we end by it at the roundabout mentioned above, having completed a full loop of the town centre.

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A footbridge over the A1305, Riverside (C) Ian S - Geograph - 2659335.jpg
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Earlier iterationsA1301

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