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Highway Authority
Argyll and Bute

The Isle of Bute lies off the Cowal Peninsula in the Firth of Clyde.

The island is part of Buteshire along with the Isles of Arran and the Cumbraes, however today its road network is managed by Argyll and Bute Council.

Route From To Length


A844 Port Bannatyne Port Bannatyne (circular route) 22.0 miles View
A845 Rothesay Kingarth 6.7 miles View
A886 Strachur Port Bannatyne 27 miles View   
B875 St Colmac Ettrick Bay 1.9 miles View
B877 Rothesay Ettrick Bay 5.0 miles View
B878 Rothesay Milton 2.0 miles View
B879 Ballianlay St Colmac 3.2 miles View
B880 Milton Ambrismore 5.0 miles View
B881 Rothesay Kilchatten Bay 6.0 miles View
B8000 Auchenbreck Port Bannatyne 11.5 miles View      


Primary Route
Non Primary Route
Former Motorway
Defunct Route
E Road
Future Motorway
Future Primary
Future Non Primary
Historical Route
Tourist Route
Roman Road
Unbuilt Motorway
Unbuilt Primary
Unbuilt Non Primary
National Cycle Network
Cycle Route
Eurovelo Cycle Route

Related Pictures
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Bute Signpost - Coppermine - 11227.jpg
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