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C83 (Eilean Siar)

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From:  Sollas (NF788729)
To:  Paible (NF767671)
Via:  Committee Road
Distance:  4.1 miles (6.6 km)
Meets:  A865, A865
Highway Authorities

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Traditional Counties


Route outline (key)
C83 Sollas - Paible
This article is about the Class III road numbered C83 maintained by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.
For other roads numbered C83, see C83

Sign at north end of C83

The C83 is the Committee Road between Sollas and Paible in the west of Uibhist a Tuath (North Uist). It was apparently built in the early 1900s as unemployment relief and provides a shortcut between the coastal communities on the north and south side of the island and access to the peat bogs where local workers extract and dry turf for fuel.

The road starts on the coast just to the south west of Sollas and heads south, increasing steadily in altitude before slipping through the low pass between hills, then turns a little south west and descends again to rejoin the A865 between Paible and Kirkibost.

It is a single track road with passing places for its entire length, and subject to an 8 tonne weight limit.

C83 (Eilean Siar)
Related Pictures
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C83 'Committee Road' North Uist - Coppermine - 372.jpgC83 North Uist - Coppermine - 373.jpgC-road sign North Uist C83 - Coppermine - 1664.jpg
Class III Roads maintained by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
C30 • C31 • C32 • C33 • C34 • C35 • C36 • C37 • C38 • C39 • C40 • C41 • C42 • C43 • C44 • C45 • C46 • C47 • C48 • C49 • C50
C78 • C79 • C82 • C83 • C84 • C85 • C86 • C87 • C88 • C89 • C90 • C116 • C117 • C118

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