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List of Warning Signs in TSRGD

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The following is a list of warning signs in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 (TSRGD) and subsequent amendments.

Image TSRGD diagram number Description Permitted variants or requirements Welsh-language text
TSRGD 501.jpg 501 Junction ahead controlled by STOP or GIVE WAY sign To be supplemented by 502 or 503
TSRGD 502.jpg 502 Distance to a junction controlled by a STOP sign To supplement 501 100 llath
TSRGD 503.jpg 503 Distance to a junction controlled by a GIVE WAY sign To supplement 501 ILDIWCH
50 llath
TSRGD 504.1.jpg 504.1 Crossroads ahead
TSRGD 504.1L.jpg 504.1L Crossroads ahead (left priority variant)
TSRGD 504.1R.jpg 504.1R Crossroads ahead (right priority variant)
TSRGD 505.1.jpg 505.1 T-junction ahead
TSRGD 505.1R.jpg 505.1R T-junction ahead (right variant)
TSRGD 506.1.jpg 506.1 Side road ahead
TSRGD 506.1L.jpg 506.1L Side road ahead (left variant)
TSRGD 506.1LL.jpg 506.1LL Side road ahead (left priority variant)
TSRGD 506.1RR.jpg 506.1RR Side road ahead (right priority variant)
TSRGD 507.1.jpg 507.1 Staggered junction ahead
TSRGD 507.1RL.jpg 507.1RL Staggered junction ahead (reversed)
TSRGD 507.1RLL.jpg 507.1RLL Staggered junction ahead (left priority variant)
TSRGD 507.1LRR.jpg 507.1LRR Staggered junction ahead (right priority variant)
TSRGD 508.1.jpg 508.1 Traffic merges ahead from left
TSRGD 509.1.jpg 509.1 Traffic merges ahead onto main carriageway
TSRGD 510.jpg 510 Roundabout ahead
TSRGD 511.jpg 511 Reduction in speed necessary for a change in road layout ahead ARAFWCH NAWR
TSRGD 512.jpg 512 Bend ahead
TSRGD 512L.jpg 512L Bend ahead (reversed)
TSRGD 512.1.jpg 512.1 Junction on bend ahead
TSRGD 512.1L.jpg 512.1L Junction on bend ahead (reversed)
TSRGD 512.2.jpg 512.2 Junction on bend ahead
TSRGD 512.2L.jpg 512.2L Junction on bend ahead (reversed)
TSRGD 513.jpg 513 Double bend or series of bends ahead
TSRGD 513R.jpg 513R Double bend or series of bends ahead (reversed)
TSRGD 513.1.jpg 513.1 Adverse camber on a bend or roundabout To supplement 510, 512, 512.1, 512.2 or 513 Cambr croes
TSRGD 513.2.jpg 513.2 Maximum speed in miles per hour advised at a bend or other hazard To supplement 512, 512.1, 512.2, 513 or 7009 Cyflymder uchaf
TSRGD 513.2V20.jpg 513.2V20 Maximum speed in miles per hour advised at a bend or other hazard To supplement 512, 512.1, 512.2, 513 or 7009 Cyflymder uchaf
TSRGD 515.jpg 515 Sharp deviation of route Can be reversed
TSRGD 515.1.jpg 515.1 Sharp deviation of route Can be reversed
TSRGD 515.1A.jpg 515.1A Sharp deviation of route at a roundabout
TSRGD 515.2.jpg 515.2 Sharp deviation of route at a roundabout
TSRGD 516.jpg 516 Road narrows on both sides ahead
TSRGD 517.jpg 517 Road narrows on right ahead
TSRGD 517L.jpg 517L Road narrows on left ahead
TSRGD 518.jpg 518 Convergence of traffic to a single file in each direction Un rhes o draffig
TSRGD 519.jpg 519 Road only wide enough for one line of vehicles Ffordd un trac
TSRGD 520.jpg 520 Dual carriageway ends ahead
TSRGD 521.jpg 521 Two-way traffic
TSRGD 522.jpg 522 Two-way traffic on route crossing ahead
TSRGD 523.1.jpg 523.1 Steep hill downwards ahead
TSRGD 524.1.jpg 524.1 Steep hill upwards ahead
TSRGD 525.jpg 525 Drivers should engage low gear for steep hill Gêr isel nawr
TSRGD 526.jpg 526 Drivers should keep in low gear for steep hill or tight bend Cadwch mewn gêr isel
TSRGD 527.jpg 527 Drivers should keep in low gear for distance indicated Gêr isel am 1½ milltir
TSRGD 528.jpg 528 Hump bridge ahead
TSRGD 528.1.jpg 528.1 End of bridge parapet, abutment wall, tunnel mouth or other obstruction adjacent to carriageway
TSRGD 529.jpg 529 Opening or swing bridge ahead
TSRGD 529.1.jpg 529.1 Tunnel ahead
TSRGD 530.jpg 530 Maximum headroom available at hazard Units can be metric or imperial
TSRGD 530A.jpg 530A Maximum headroom available at hazard, with height indicated in both metric and imperial units
TSRGD 530.1.jpg 530.1 Reduced headroom over part of road due to overhanging building ahead "Building" may be varied to "buildings" or "structures" Adeilad bargodol
TSRGD 530.2.jpg 530.2 Reduced headroom at a hazard
TSRGD 531.1.jpg 531.1 Maximum headroom at arch bridge ahead Units can be metric or imperial
TSRGD 531.2.jpg 531.2 High vehicles to use the middle of road at arch bridge ahead PONT FWA
Cerbydau uchel defnyddiwch ganol y ffordd
TSRGD 532.2.jpg 532.2 Maximum headroom available in the centre of road at an arch bridge Black and yellow markings may be omitted. Metric sign may be omitted.
TSRGD 532.2A.jpg 532.2A Maximum headroom available in the centre of road at an arch bridge. (Metric and imperial units) Black and yellow markings may be omitted
TSRGD 532.3.jpg 532.3 Maximum headroom available at the side and in the centre of road at an arch bridge Black and yellow marking shown in diagram 532.2 may be added. Metric sign may be omitted.
TSRGD 532.3A.jpg 532.3A Maximum headroom available at the side and in the centre of road at an arch bridge. (Metric and imperial units) Black and yellow marking shown in diagram 532.2A may be added
TSRGD 543.jpg 543 Traffic signals ahead
TSRGD 543.1.jpg 543.1 Traffic signals ahead which only operate at certain times "Part time" may be varied to "Peak hour" Goleuadau rhan amser
TSRGD 544.jpg 544 Zebra crossing ahead
TSRGD 544.1.jpg 544.1 Pedestrians in road ahead
TSRGD 544.2.jpg 544.2 Frail or disabled pedestrians likely to cross road ahead
TSRGD 545.jpg 545 Children going to or from school or playground ahead
TSRGD 546.jpg 546 School ahead To supplement 545 or 4004 Ysgol
TSRGD 547.1.jpg 547.1 School crossing patrol ahead To supplement 545 or 4004 Hebryngwr
TSRGD 547.2.jpg 547.2 Children's playground ahead To supplement 545 Maes chwarae
TSRGD 547.3.jpg 547.3 No footway for distance indicated To supplement 544.1 or 545 Dim troedffordd am 400 llath
TSRGD 547.4.jpg 547.4 Disabled pedestrians likely to cross road ahead To supplement 544.2. Pobl anabl
TSRGD 547.4B.jpg 547.4B Blind pedestrians likely to cross road ahead To supplement 544.2. Pobl ddall
TSRGD 547.7.jpg 547.7 Disabled children likely to cross road ahead To supplement 545 or 4004. Plant anabl
TSRGD 547.7VB.jpg 547.7VB Blind children likely to cross road ahead To supplement 545 or 4004. Plant dall
TSRGD 547.7VD.jpg 547.7VD Deaf children likely to cross road ahead To supplement 545 or 4004. Plant byddar
TSRGD 547.8.jpg 547.8 Zebra crossing or signal-controlled crossing on road hump ahead To supplement 543 or 544 Croesfan ar dwmpath
TSRGD 548.jpg 548 Cattle likely to be in road ahead
TSRGD 548.1.jpg 548.1 Supervised cattle crossing ahead To supplement 548 or 4005 Tra bydd golau
200 llath
TSRGD 549.jpg 549 Sheep likely to be in road ahead
TSRGD 550.jpg 550 Wild horses or ponies likely to be in road ahead
TSRGD 550.1.jpg 550.1 Accompanied horses or ponies likely to be in or crossing road ahead
TSRGD 550.2.jpg 550.2 Horse drawn vehicles likely to be in road ahead
TSRGD 551.jpg 551 Wild animals likely to be in road ahead
TSRGD 551.1.jpg 551.1 Migratory toad crossing ahead
TSRGD 551.2.jpg 551.2 Wild fowl likely to be in road ahead
TSRGD 552.jpg 552 Cattle grid ahead Grid gwartheg
TSRGD 553.jpg 553 Bypass of cattle grid ahead Cerbydau a dynnir gan geffyl ac anifeiliaid
TSRGD 553.1.jpg 553.1 Agricultural vehicles likely to be in road ahead
TSRGD 553.2.jpg 553.2 Agricultural vehicles likely to be in road ahead To supplement 553.1; "Farm traffic" may be varied to "Wide vehicles" or "Tractors turning". "for" and a distance may be added Traffig fferm
TSRGD 554.jpg 554 Worded warning sign "Ford" may be varied to "Flood", "Gate", "Gates" or "No smoking" Rhyd
TSRGD 554.1.jpg 554.1 Risk of brake failure after crossing a ford or before descending a steep gradient Profwch eich breciau
TSRGD 554.2.jpg 554.2 Risk of ice or packed snow ahead To be supplemented by 554.3
TSRGD 554.3.jpg 554.3 Ice ahead To supplement 554.2. "for" and a distance may be added Rhew
TSRGD 554.3A.jpg 554.3A Snow drifts ahead To supplement 554.2. "for" and a distance may be added Lluwch eira
TSRGD 555.jpg 555 Quayside or river bank ahead
TSRGD 555.1.jpg 555.1 Water course alongside road ahead
TSRGD 555.1R.jpg 555.1R Water course alongside road ahead (reversed)
TSRGD 556.jpg 556 Uneven road ahead
TSRGD 556.1.jpg 556.1 Soft verges ahead
TSRGD 556.2.jpg 556.2 Soft verges for distance indicated Lleiniau meddal am 2 filltir
TSRGD 557.jpg 557 Slippery road ahead
TSRGD 557.1.jpg 557.1 Road hump or series of humps ahead
TSRGD 557.2.jpg 557.2 Road humps ahead for the distance indicated Twmpathau am ½ filltir
TSRGD 557.3.jpg 557.3 Road humps ahead in the direction and for the distance indicated A second arrow in the opposite direction may be added. "for 300 yds" may be omitted Twmpathau am 300 llath
TSRGD 557.4.jpg 557.4 Road hump in the direction and at the distance indicated A second arrow in the opposite direction may be added Twmpath 20 llath
TSRGD 558.jpg 558 Low flying aircraft or sudden aircraft noise likely ahead
TSRGD 558.1.jpg 558.1 Low flying helicopter or sudden helicopter noise likely ahead
TSRGD 558.2.jpg 558.2 Gliders likely ahead To supplement 558 Gleiderau
TSRGD 559.jpg 559 Risk of falling or fallen rocks ahead
TSRGD 559R.jpg 559R Risk of falling or fallen rocks ahead (reversed)
TSRGD 560.jpg 560 Edge of carriageway or obstruction near that edge Red may varied to white or amber
TSRGD 561.jpg 561 Alternative shape for the sign shown in diagram 560 Same as diagram 560. The surface of the sign may be curved
TSRGD 562.jpg 562 Other danger ahead Tp be supplemented by 562
TSRGD 563.jpg 563 Nature of other danger ahead (Accident) Text may be varied to nature of danger - see article for variants Damwain
TSRGD 563V2.jpg 563V2 Nature of other danger ahead (Blasting) Text may be varied to nature of danger - see article for variants Ffrwydro
TSRGD 563V3.jpg 563V3 Nature of other danger ahead (Blind Summit) Text may be varied to nature of danger - see article for variants Copa anweladwy
TSRGD 563V5.jpg 563V5 Nature of other danger ahead (Dust cloud) Text may be varied to nature of danger - see article for variants Cwmwl llwch
TSRGD 563V6.jpg 563V6 Nature of other danger ahead (Fallen tree) Text may be varied to nature of danger - see article for variants Coeden wedi cwympo
TSRGD 563V8.jpg 563V8 Nature of other danger ahead (Frost damage) Text may be varied to nature of danger - see article for variants
TSRGD 563V9.jpg 563V9 Nature of other danger ahead (Hidden dip) Text may be varied to nature of danger - see article for variants Pant cudd
TSRGD 563V10.jpg 563V10 Nature of other danger ahead (Overhead cable repairs) Text may be varied to nature of danger - see article for variants Adfer ceblau uwchben
TSRGD 563V12.jpg 563V12 Nature of other danger ahead (Road liable to flooding) Text may be varied to nature of danger - see article for variants Llifogydd yn debygol
TSRGD 563V14.jpg 563V14 Nature of other danger ahead (Smoke) Text may be varied to nature of danger - see article for variants Mwg
TSRGD 563.1.jpg 563.1 Warning of light signals shown in diagram 3014 ahead "FIRE" may be varied to any combination of "FIRE, POLICE AND AMBULANCE" GORSAF DÂN
pan fo'r golau'n fflachio
TSRGD 570.jpg 570 Distance over which hazard or prohibition extends To supplement other warning signs Am 2 filltir
TSRGD 570V.jpg 570V Distance over which hazard or prohibition extends To supplement other warning signs Am 7 filltir
TSRGD 572.jpg 572 Distance ahead to hazard To supplement other warning signs 400 llath
TSRGD 573.jpg 573 Distance and direction to hazard To supplement other warning signs 250 llath
TSRGD 574.jpg 574 Area infected by animal disease ahead "RABIES" may be omitted or varied to appropriate animal disease name. "AHEAD" may be omitted or varied to "ENDS" or a horizontal arrow pointing left or right CLEFYD ANIFEILLIAID
TSRGD 575.jpg 575 Large vehicles likely to be in middle of road because of narrowness of carriageway To supplement 512, 512.1, 512.2, 513, 516, 517, 528 or 529.1 Cerbydau'n dod atoch ar ganol y ffordd
TSRGD 581.jpg 581 Side winds likely ahead
TSRGD 582.jpg 582 Slow moving military vehicles likely to be crossing or in road ahead
TSRGD 583.jpg 583 Slow moving vehicles likely on incline ahead To be supplemented by 583.1
TSRGD 583.1.jpg 583.1 Distance over which slow moving vehicles likely to encountered ahead To supplement 583 Lorïau araf am 2 filltir
TSRGD 584.jpg 584 Traffic queues likely on road ahead To be supplemented by 584.1
TSRGD 584.1.jpg 584.1 Traffic queues likely on road ahead To supplement 584 Ciwiau'n debygol
TSRGD 770.jpg 770 Level crossing with gates or barriers
TSRGD 771.jpg 771 Ungated level crossing
TSRGD 772.jpg 772 Tramcars Crossing Ahead
TSRGD 779.jpg 779 Overhead Electric Cable
TSRGD 782.jpg 782 Risk of Grounding
TSRGD 950.jpg 950 Cycle Route Ahead
TSRGD 7001.jpg 7001 Roadworks
TSRGD 7009.jpg 7009 Loose Chippings
List of Warning Signs in TSRGD
Traffic Signs
TypesInformation (UK TSRGD) • (IRL TSM) • Regulatory (UK TSRGD) • (IRL TSM) • Warning (UK TSRGD) • (IRL TSM)
UKAnderson report • Worboys report • Traffic Sign Design • TSRGD and TSM (Motorway alphabet • Transport alphabet) • Guildford Rules
IrelandTraffic Signs Manual • Gaeltacht Signage
MiscellaneousBilingual signs • List of Street Furniture Manufacturers
Warning Signs
List of Warning Signs in TSRGDAdvance Warning of Wig Wag Signals • Agricultural Vehicles • Bend • Cattle Grid • Cattle / Sheep • Children • Cross Roads • Cycle Route • Double Bend • Dual Carriageway Ends • Edge of Carriageway Marker • Falling Rocks • Flood & Try Your Brakes • Ford • Gate • Horses • Hump Bridge • Ice & Snowdrifts • Level Crossing with Gates or Barriers • Loose Chippings • Low Flying Aircraft • Maximum Headroom • Maximum Speed • Military Vehicles • Opening Bridge • Open Level Crossing • Other Danger • Overhead Electric Cable • Pedestrians • Plates below Signs • Quayside • Queues Likely • Reduce Speed Now • Risk of Grounding • Road Humps • Road Narrows • Roadworks • Roundabout • Sharp  Deviation of Route • Side Road • Side Winds • Slippery Road • Soft Verges • Staggered Junction • Steep Hill • Stop or Give Way Ahead • T Junction • Traffic Merges • Traffic Signals • Trams Crossing • Tunnel Ahead • Two Way Traffic • Uneven Road • Wild Animals (various)
Other Warning SignsAccident Black Spot

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