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Itchen Chain Ferry

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Itchen Chain Ferry
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From:  Southampton
To:  Woolston
Distance:  0.3 km (0.2 miles)
Opening Date
On road(s)
 • A3025

The Itchen Floating Bridge was a Chain Ferry in Southampton.

The floating bridge, a cable ferry, opened on 23 November 1836. A second ferry was added in 1881, and the operation was sold to the Southampton Corporation in 1934.

Construction of the present bridge began in 1974 and planned to take three years. It opened for traffic on 1 June 1977, with the floating bridge closing at the same time.

Itchen Chain Ferry
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Itchen Chain Ferry 1973.jpg
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Inland Ferry Crossings
Great BritainAust Ferry • Corran Ferry • Cowes Chain Ferry • Dartmouth Higher Ferry • Dartmouth Lower Ferry • Erskine Ferry • Gravesend to Tibury (P) • Humber Crossing • Instow to Appledore (P) • Itchen Chain Ferry • King Harry Ferry • Nigg • Renfrew to Yoker (P) • Sandbanks • Strome Ferry • Torpoint • Windermere • Woolwich
IrelandPassage East • Passage West • Strangford to Portaferry • Greencastle to Magilligan • Rathmullan to Buncrana • Tarbert to Killimer • Greencastle to Greenore
Other AreasIrish Sea • Inner Hebrides • Western Isles • Shetland • Orkney • North Sea • English Channel • Solent • Inland Crossings • Other Island Crossings

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