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OS Popular Edition

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OS One Inch
Popular Edition
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Publisher:  Ordnance Survey
Scale:  1:63,360
First Published:  1919
Final Publication:  1941
SABRE Maps layer:  Yes
See Also: SABRE Maps/Popular Edition coverage project
See Also: SABRE Maps/Scottish Popular Edition coverage project

The Ordnance Survey Popular Edition of the One Inch Series was launched just after World War One, and consisted of two sets of maps. Scotland was covered in 92 sheets, with England and Wales covered in a separate series of 146 sheets. Both series were mainly covered in three-panel maps, although a few areas, notably western Scotland, saw the later style of four-panel maps. Equally, while most of the maps were aligned with their wider dimension East-West, some were North-South to better cover the country.

In addition to the regular series, there was a wide collection of "District" maps, some enlargements of a standard sheet area, whilst others were reframed to cover particular areas of interest which were spread across a number of standard sheets. As an example of the latter, the "Birmingham, Wolverhampton and District" sheet was centred on what is now the relevant conurbation and covered parts of standard sheets 61, 62, 71 and 72.

Scottish Popular Edition


The Scottish Popular Edition (SPE) was launched in 1924. Whilst the English & Welsh maps were replaced after the war with the New Popular Edition, the SPE continued until the launch of the Seventh Series in the 1950s. This was reflected in the GB coverage map on the reverse cover, which had the NPE maps marked in black, and the SPE maps in Red, showing hefty overlaps at the join of the two series.

The initial series of the 1920s and early 30s were a cream base with large Scottish royal shield and surround with map name below, in some cases the cover was smaller and the surround included Thistles in Green or Black and Red while others were a plainer red border. The post war series had covers very similar to those used for the NPE in England & Wales retaining a smaller Scottish royal shield and a thicker red border with map title and outline below.

Covers & Prices

After the war, most of the maps were re-issued as new revisions in 1947. The initial prices appear to have been 2/3 (paper) or 3/- (cloth). However, prices would increase rapidly with stickers printed up for 4/- and 4/6 respectively. The last SPE maps appear to have been printed with fresh covers, missing the 'GR', although with the royal crest otherwise unchanged. Cloth-backed maps were now retailing at 6/6. However, the sheet contained within still had the original 1947/8 prices, and does not appear to have had any revisions.

England & Wales Popular Edition


Apart from being numbered in their own series, the Popular Edition for England & Wales followed the same pre-war changes as the SPE for Scotland. However, after World War Two most of them were quickly replaced with the New Popular Edition. Notable exceptions seem to have been a few sheets for South Wales and East Kent, although the GB coverage maps on the reverse of the covers never seem to have admitted this.

Covers & Prices

The original covers from 1919 were used right through until nearly the end of the 1930s, and depicted a man sat on a hill above a forest looking at a map. Above was a royal crest, with wreaths draped down either side. The map was titled 'Ordnance Survey contoured road map of ___' At the bottom was a very small sheet coverage map in a rather elaborate frame, and containing the sheet number.

The final maps had the legend replaced with "One Inch Map Popular Edition", and had a top hinge similar to modern OS products.

Prices in 1935 appear to have been 2/- (paper) or 2/6 (cloth).

Sheetline co-ordinates

As the Popular Edition pre-dates any form of National Grid, each sheet does not have co-ordinates printed on them, but simply an alphanumeric grid with letters on the vertical axis and numbers across the top. However, as the sheets were built on the Cassini (Delamere) projection, it is possible to calculate the locations of each side of every sheet as a distance from the origin.

Knowing the locations of the corners of each sheet, whilst interesting in its own right, is essential to georeference each map and allow them to appear on SABRE Maps.

The below tables have therefore been produced so that the relevant values for the map series can simply be referenced for these purposes rather than having to calculate via the SABRE Maps Co-ordinate Finder.

In these tables, the values of each corner location are in miles from the origin point at Delamere, with positive numbers being north and east of that point, and negative numbers being south and west of the origin.

Note that at present, not all of the non-standard Tourist, Special or District sheets are listed.

England and Wales

Standard sheets

Sheet Top left corner Bottom right corner
01 8.30114:180.26894 26.30114:153.26894
02 26.30114:180.26894 44.30114:153.26894
03 -0.69886:153.26894 26.30114:135.26894
04 21.30114:153.26894 48.30114:135.26894
05 -27.69886:135.26894 -0.69886:117.26894
06 -0.69886:135.26894 26.30114:117.26894
07 26.30114:135.26894 53.30114:117.26894
08 -38.69886:117.26894 -20.69886:90.26894
09 -27.69886:117.26894 -0.69886:99.26894
10 -0.69886:117.26894 26.30114:99.26894
11 26.30114:117.26894 55.30114:99.26894
12 -27.69886:99.26894 -0.69886:81.26894
13 -0.69886:99.26894 26.30114:81.26894
14 26.30114:99.26894 53.30114:81.26894
15 44.30114:108.26894 63.30114:81.26894
16 63.30114:99.26894 90.30114:81.26894
17 -87.69886:84.26894 -63.69886:57.26894
18 -38.69886:90.26894 -20.69886:63.26894
19 -27.69886:81.26894 -0.69886:63.26894
20 -0.69886:81.26894 26.30114:63.26894
21 26.30114:81.26894 53.30114:63.26894
22 53.30114:81.26894 80.30114:63.26894
23 80.30114:81.26894 107.30114:63.26894
24 -27.69886:63.26894 -0.69886:45.26894
25 -0.69886:63.26894 26.30114:45.26894
26 26.30114:63.26894 53.30114:45.26894
27 53.30114:63.26894 80.30114:45.26894
28 80.30114:63.26894 107.30114:45.26894
29 -18.69886:45.26894 8.30114:27.26894
30 -0.69886:45.26894 26.30114:27.26894
31 26.30114:45.26894 53.30114:27.26894
32 53.30114:45.26894 80.30114:27.26894
33 80.30114:45.26894 107.30114:27.26894
34 98.30114:45.26894 117.30114:18.26894
35 -27.69886:27.26894 -0.69886:9.26894
36 -0.69886:27.26894 26.30114:9.26894
37 26.30114:27.26894 53.30114:9.26894
38 53.30114:27.26894 80.30114:9.26894
39 80.30114:27.26894 107.30114:9.26894
40 98.30114:27.26894 125.30114:9.26894
41 -83.69886:15.26894 -54.69886:-8.73106
42 -54.69886:13.26894 -27.69886:-8.73106
43 -27.69886:9.26894 -0.69886:-8.73106
44 -0.69886:9.26894 26.30114:-8.73106
45 26.30114:9.26894 53.30114:-8.73106
46 53.30114:9.26894 80.30114:-8.73106
47 80.30114:9.26894 107.30114:-8.73106
48 101.30114:9.26894 128.30114:-8.73106
49 -88.69886:-8.73106 -54.69886:-30.73106
50 -54.69886:-8.73106 -27.69886:-26.73106
51 -27.69886:-8.73106 -0.69886:-26.73106
52 -0.69886:-8.73106 26.30114:-26.73106
53 26.30114:-8.73106 53.30114:-26.73106
54 53.30114:-8.73106 80.30114:-26.73106
55 80.30114:-8.73106 107.30114:-26.73106
56 107.30114:-8.73106 134.30114:-26.73106
57 134.30114:-11.73106 161.30114:-29.73106
58 161.30114:-13.23106 188.30114:-31.23106
59 -54.69886:-26.73106 -27.69886:-44.73106
60 -27.69886:-26.73106 -0.69886:-44.73106
61 -0.69886:-26.73106 26.30114:-44.73106
62 26.30114:-26.73106 53.30114:-44.73106
63 53.30114:-26.73106 80.30114:-44.73106
64 80.30114:-26.73106 107.30114:-44.73106
65 107.30114:-26.73106 134.30114:-44.73106
66 134.30114:-26.73106 161.30114:-44.73106
67 161.30114:-26.73106 188.30114:-44.73106
68 -63.69886:-30.73106 -45.69886:-62.73106
69 -54.69886:-44.73106 -27.69886:-62.73106
70 -27.69886:-44.73106 -0.69886:-62.73106
71 -0.69886:-44.73106 26.30114:-62.73106
72 26.30114:-44.73106 53.30114:-62.73106
73 53.30114:-44.73106 80.30114:-62.73106
74 80.30114:-44.73106 107.30114:-62.73106
75 107.30114:-44.73106 134.30114:-62.73106
76 134.30114:-44.73106 161.30114:-62.73106
77 161.30114:-44.73106 188.30114:-62.73106
78 -81.69886:-62.73106 -54.69886:-80.73106
79 -54.69886:-62.73106 -27.69886:-80.73106
80 -27.69886:-62.73106 -0.69886:-80.73106
81 -0.69886:-62.73106 26.30114:-80.73106
82 26.30114:-62.73106 53.30114:-80.73106
83 53.30114:-62.73106 80.30114:-80.73106
84 80.30114:-62.73106 107.30114:-80.73106
85 107.30114:-62.73106 134.30114:-80.73106
86 134.30114:-62.73106 161.30114:-80.73106
87 161.30114:-62.73106 188.30114:-80.73106
88 -114.69886:-73.23106 -81.69886:-92.73106
89 -81.69886:-80.73106 -54.69886:-98.73106
90 -54.69886:-80.73106 -27.69886:-98.73106
91 -27.69886:-80.73106 -0.69886:-98.73106
92 -0.69886:-80.73106 26.30114:-98.73106
93 26.30114:-80.73106 53.30114:-98.73106
94 53.30114:-80.73106 80.30114:-98.73106
95 80.30114:-80.73106 107.30114:-98.73106
96 107.30114:-80.73106 134.30114:-98.73106
97 134.30114:-80.73106 161.30114:-98.73106
98 147.8027:-80.73106 174.8027:-98.73106
99 -114.69886:-92.73106 -81.69886:-112.23106
100 -81.69886:-98.73106 -54.69886:-116.73106
101 -54.69886:-98.73106 -27.69886:-116.73106
102 -27.69886:-98.73106 -0.69886:-116.73106
103 -0.69886:-98.73106 26.30114:-116.73106
104 26.30114:-98.73106 53.30114:-116.73106
105 53.30114:-98.73106 80.30114:-116.73106
106 80.30114:-98.73106 107.30114:-116.73106
107 107.30114:-98.73106 134.30114:-116.73106
108 134.30114:-98.73106 161.30114:-116.73106
109 -46.69886:-110.73106 -12.69886:-128.73106
110 -27.69886:-116.73106 -0.69886:-134.73106
111 -0.69886:-116.73106 26.30114:-134.73106
112 26.30114:-116.73106 53.30114:-134.73106
113 53.30114:-116.73106 80.30114:-134.73106
114 80.30114:-116.73106 107.30114:-134.73106
115 107.30114:-116.73106 134.30114:-134.73106
116 134.30114:-116.73106 161.30114:-134.73106
117 161.30114:-119.73106 179.30114:-146.73106
118 -70.69886:-134.73106 -43.69886:-152.73106
119 -54.69886:-134.73106 -27.69886:-152.73106
120 -27.69886:-134.73106 -0.69886:-152.73106
121 -0.69886:-134.73106 26.30114:-152.73106
122 26.30114:-134.73106 53.30114:-152.73106
123 53.30114:-134.73106 80.30114:-152.73106
124 80.30114:-134.73106 107.30114:-152.73106
125 107.30114:-134.73106 134.30114:-152.73106
126 134.30114:-134.73106 161.30114:-152.73106
127 -83.19886:-152.73106 -54.69886:-170.73106
128 -54.69886:-152.73106 -27.69886:-170.73106
129 -27.69886:-152.73106 -0.69886:-170.73106
130 -0.69886:-152.73106 26.30114:-170.73106
131 26.30114:-152.73106 53.30114:-170.73106
132 53.30114:-152.73106 80.30114:-170.73106
133 80.30114:-152.73106 107.30114:-170.73106
134 107.30114:-152.73106 134.30114:-170.73106
135 134.30114:-146.73106 161.30114:-164.73106
136 -105.69886:-167.73106 -81.69886:-188.73106
137 -81.69886:-170.73106 -54.69886:-188.73106
138 -54.69886:-170.73106 -27.69886:-188.73106
139 -27.69886:-161.73106 -0.69886:-179.73106
140 -0.69886:-161.73106 17.30114:-188.73106
141 17.30114:-164.73106 44.30114:-182.73106
142 44.30114:-164.73106 71.30114:-182.73106
143 -114.69886:-188.73106 -81.69886:-209.73106
144 -81.69886:-188.73106 -54.69886:-206.73106
145 -54.69886:-188.73106 -33.69886:-209.73106
146 -135.69886:-200.73106 -102.69886:-224.73106

Special, Tourist and District sheets

Sheet Top left corner Bottom right corner
Aldershot North 66.0249:-120.4841 93.2132:-138.9615
Birmingham and Wolverhampton 13.28125:-37.28125 44.28125:-61.28125
Central Chilterns 74.30114:-89.73106 92.30114:-116.73106
Chilterns 67.28125:-90.71875 96.28125:-116.71875
Derby and District 26.30114:-11.69886 58.30114:-36.69886
Forest of Bowland -15.71875:61.28125 14.28125:35.28125
Lands End -135.69886:-200.73106 -102.69886:-224.73106
Leicester 47.28125:-24.21875 86.28125:-51.21875
NE Wales -40.6875:9.28125 -11.6875:-18.71875
Sidmouth -38.4819:-163.1444 -10.8519:-180.7744
Weston-super-Mare -15.65625:-118.71875 3.28125:-146.71875
Wye Valley -6.75:-80.75 11.25:-110.75


Standard sheets

Sheet Top left corner Bottom right corner
01 49.30114:529.26894 67.30114:502.26894
02 35.30114:514.26894 67.30114:493.26894
03 32.30114:494.26894 59.30114:476.26894
04 41.30114:484.26894 59.30114:457.26894
05 -15.69886:428.26894 11.30114:405.26894
06 -26.69886:411.26894 5.30114:390.26894
07 -29.69886:391.26894 -2.69886:373.26894
08 -153.69886:371.26894 -125.69886:352.26894
09 -92.69886:378.26894 -70.69886:350.26894
10 -74.69886:373.26894 -46.69886:350.26894
11 -47.69886:378.26894 -28.69886:350.26894
12 -29.69886:378.26894 -11.69886:350.26894
13 -164.69886:353.26894 -145.69886:326.26894
14 -146.69886:353.26894 -125.69886:326.26894
15 -104.69886:351.26894 -76.69886:332.26894
16 -77.69886:351.26894 -49.69886:332.26894
17 -50.69886:351.26894 -23.69886:332.26894
18 -164.69886:333.26894 -137.69886:314.26894
19 -116.69886:333.26894 -88.69886:314.26894
20 -89.69886:333.26894 -62.69886:314.26894
21 -67.69886:333.26894 -40.69886:314.26894
22 -188.69886:324.26894 -161.69886:305.26894
23 -188.69886:306.26894 -161.69886:287.26894
24 -152.69886:315.26894 -127.69886:287.26894
25 -130.69886:315.26894 -107.69886:287.26894
26 -108.69886:315.26894 -80.69886:296.26894
27 -81.69886:315.26894 -53.69886:296.26894
28 -54.69886:315.26894 -26.69886:296.26894
29 -27.69886:315.26894 0.30114:296.26894
30 -0.69886:315.26894 26.30114:296.26894
31 16.30114:310.26894 35.30114:283.26894
32 -188.69886:288.26894 -161.69886:270.26894
33 -188.69886:272.26894 -161.69886:252.26894
34 -148.69886:288.26894 -129.69886:260.26894
35 -130.69886:288.26894 -107.69886:260.26894
36 -108.69886:297.26894 -80.69886:278.26894
37 -81.69886:297.26894 -53.69886:278.26894
38 -54.69886:297.26894 -26.69886:278.26894
39 -27.69886:297.26894 0.30114:278.26894
40 -0.69886:297.26894 26.30114:278.26894
41 -108.69886:279.26894 -80.69886:260.26894
42 -81.69886:279.26894 -53.69886:260.26894
43 -54.69886:279.26894 -26.69886:260.26894
44 -27.69886:279.26894 0.30114:260.26894
45 -0.69886:279.26894 26.30114:260.26894
46 -135.69886:261.26894 -107.69886:241.26894
47 -108.69886:261.26894 -80.69886:241.26894
48 -81.69886:261.26894 -53.69886:242.26894
49 -54.69886:261.26894 -26.69886:242.26894
50 -27.69886:261.26894 -0.69886:242.26894
51 -6.69886:261.26894 20.30114:242.26894
52 -166.69886:244.26894 -138.703:225.26894
53 -139.69886:243.26894 -107.69886:224.26894
54 -108.69886:243.26894 -80.69886:224.26894
55 -81.69886:243.26894 -53.69886:224.26894
56 -54.69886:243.26894 -26.69886:224.26894
57 -27.69886:243.26894 -0.69886:223.26894
58 -17.69886:243.26894 10.30114:223.26894
59 -144.69886:225.26894 -125.69886:194.26894
60 -126.69886:225.26894 -107.69886:194.26894
61 -108.69886:225.26894 -80.69886:206.26894
62 -81.69886:225.26894 -53.69886:206.26894
63 -54.69886:225.26894 -27.69886:206.26894
64 -29.69886:227.26894 4.30114:206.26894
65 -108.69886:207.26894 -80.69886:189.26894
66 -81.69886:207.26894 -53.69886:189.26894
67 -54.69886:207.26894 -27.69886:189.26894
68 -29.69886:207.26894 4.30114:187.26894
69 -150.69886:195.26894 -125.69886:165.26894
70 -126.69886:195.26894 -107.69886:165.26894
71 -108.69886:194.26894 -81.69886:171.26894
72 -87.69886:194.26894 -53.69886:170.26894
73 -54.69886:194.26894 -26.69886:170.26894
74 -27.69886:194.26894 0.30114:170.26894
75 -0.69886:194.26894 26.30114:170.26894
76 -123.69886:176.26894 -99.69886:142.26894
77 -108.69886:176.26894 -80.69886:152.26894
78 -81.69886:171.26894 -53.69886:152.26894
79 -54.69886:171.26894 -26.69886:152.26894
80 -27.69886:171.26894 0.30114:152.26894
81 -0.69886:171.26894 26.30114:152.26894
82 -99.69886:153.26894 -80.69886:125.26894
83 -81.69886:153.26894 -53.69886:134.26894
84 -54.69886:153.26894 -26.69886:134.26894
85 -27.69886:153.26894 0.30114:134.26894
86 -0.69886:153.26894 26.30114:135.26894
87 -81.69886:135.26894 -53.69886:116.26894
88 -54.69886:135.26894 -26.69886:117.26894
89 -27.69886:135.26894 -0.698866:117.26894
90 -100.69886:126.26894 -80.69886:98.26894
91 -81.69886:117.26894 -54.69886:99.26894
92 -65.69886:125.26894 -33.69886:107.26894

SABRE Maps coverage

Some coverage from the Popular Edition is available on SABRE Maps.

OS Popular Edition
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Road Mapping
Ordnance SurveyMoT Maps • Ten Mile Road Map • Route Planning Map • One Inch(Popular Edition) • 1934 London PT • Landranger • Half Inch • Quarter Inch • Routemaster • Travelmaster • Road Map • Travel Map • Pathfinder • Explorer  • Outdoor Leisure • Tourist • Ten Mile • City Link • City, Town and Neighbourhood • Miniscale • OS Great Britain
Ordnance Survey Northern IrelandRoad Map • One Inch • Discoverer
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