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OS Ministry of Transport Road Map

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Ministry of Transport Road Map
1923 MOT Map Sheet 33.jpg
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Publisher:  Ordnance Survey
Scale:  1:126,720
First Published:  1923
Final Publication:  1936
SABRE Maps layer:  Yes
See Also: SABRE Maps/MOT coverage project

The Ministry of Transport Road Map (colloqually known as MoT Maps) series were the official maps to show classified roads, following their publication by the Ministry of Transport on 1st April, 1923. As such, they are possibly the most important resource documenting the early days of road numbering in Great Britain.

The equivalent mapping in Northern Ireland was the Road Map of Northern Ireland


MoT Map sample from SABRE Maps, this from 1922-23 edition showing original route of A42.
Late MoT maps showed B roads in purple
1922-23 edition key, taken from England and Wales Sheet 16
1936-37 edition key, taken from England and Wales Sheet 10

The maps were taken from the OS Half Inch sheets available at the time and indeed, carried the same sheet numbers. As with the base material, they were reduced from the One Inch Third Edition series, but with a specific overlay - in this case 'A' roads in red, and 'B' roads in green, though maps from the mid-1930s displayed 'B' roads in purple.

They were perhaps unique in that they displayed as many classified roads as were practical, including short links in towns that subsequent maps would often miss as unnecessary (which, to be fair, to the typical motorist they generally were). In many places, the base mapping used was very old for the time, in some cases dating from the Victorian era. This lead to a strange situation where newly constructed roads did not appear on the base map, and only the overlay was present. This continued throughout the life of the maps, with later editions appearing to have their overlays less and less accurate, when in actual fact the overlays were relatively accurate and showed, for example, new bypasses, when the underlaying map did not.

In common with the Half Inch map series the MoT maps were based upon, different series was issued for England and Wales, and for Scotland as the base mapping used different projections - Cassini (Delamere) in the case of England and Wales, whilst the Scotland sheets used the Bonne (Scotland) projection.

Additionally, a set of six maps at the two-inch scale were created for the London area (extending as far as Berkhamsted, Brentwood, Guildford and Sevenoaks) meaning that coverage of the area is available in high clarity and shows that no road numbering was completed within the City of London, with all numbering terminating at the boundary of the City.

Despite it being allocated a sheet number (England and Wales sheet 4) and being shown on sheet index maps, the Isle of Man was never issued as an MoT Map. However, there was a Sheet 4 packaged with MoT map sets, although this was actually a standard One Inch Popular Edition map, specifically Sheet 17.

While the London maps and a large number of Scotland maps were never officially reissued, the England and Wales maps were reissued annually following the reviewing of road classification and budgets on 1st April (England and Wales) or 16th May (Scotland), up to the 1930-31 editions, although most maps were not revised every year. Indeed, the map with the most revisions, Sheet 12 (Liverpool, Manchester and Chester) only has five different editions in the life of the entire MoT map series.

With the exception of a single map issued for the 1931-32 edition (England Sheet 1), the maps were then withdrawn due in part to poor sales.

The MoT Maps saw a final hurrah in 1936-37 when fourteen of the England and Wales sheets and one Scottish sheet were released following the 1935 Road numbering revision, though by that time the official map to show road numbering was the Ten-Mile Road Map of Great Britain. By 1936, road numbers were appearing on Quarter Inch maps, on the One Inch Fifth Edition maps across southern England, and across a number of Special District maps at the half-inch scale; and they'd even started appearing on the OS Three Inch mapping of London.

However, it was not until post-World War 2 that regular One Inch coverage of road numbers for the whole of Great Britain was provided on the New Popular Edition and Scottish Popular Edition maps of the time.

MoT Map Index Books were issued


MoT maps were produced in various different styles. In common with mapping from the time, they were produced in folded sheets printed on cloth or paper, whilst there were also "dissected" editions, where the folds were separated to a fabric backing, meaning that the folds were stronger than those on ordinary sheets. The standard dissected editions contained 18 separate panels.

In addition, there were Library editions that were dissected, but at a larger plan area containing eight sections; whilst the legal deposit libraries had the options of flat sheets.

Special collections were also available - leather-covered boxed editions containing the full set of original 1922-23 Library editions for England and Wales exist (as well as boxed editions containing sets of later maps), whilst later, smaller collections containing six maps were also available. These special collections, in addition to the maps, also contained an Index and Reference Book to accompany the maps.


The covers were black-on-orange and showed a drawing of a typical roadside scene (here where the then A31 - now the A3090 met the B3043 near Hursley in Hampshire). Inside the inner flap were descriptions of various traffic signs, as well as an incorrect description of the zoning system which includes the usual error of the A2 being described as a zone boundary instead of the River Thames.

The Library Editions were in a plain buff cover with the sheet number printed on the outside, but with no other identifying marks beyond the sheet number.

SABRE Maps coverage

SABRE Maps has full coverage of the 1923 sheets, including the special London maps. There are also a number of other maps available dated between 1924 and 1936.


Main Article: MoT Map sheet listing

Sheetline co-ordinates

As the MoT maps pre-date any form of National Grid, each sheet does not have co-ordinates printed on them, but simply an alphanumeric grid with letters on the vertical axis and numbers across the top.

Knowing the locations of the corners of each sheet, whilst interesting in its own right, is essential to georeference each map and allow them to appear on SABRE Maps.

The below tables have therefore been produced so that the relevant values for the map series can simply be referenced for these purposes rather than having to calculate via the SABRE Maps Co-ordinate Finder.

In these tables, the values of each corner location are in miles from the relevant origin point, with positive numbers being north and east of that point, and negative numbers being south and west of the origin.

The England and Wales sheets used the Cassini (Delamere) projection; whilst the Scottish sheets used the Bonne (Scotland) projection.

England and Wales

Sheet Top left corner Bottom right corner
1 1.30114:179.26894 50.30114:139.26894
2 -40.463415:139.26894 8.536585:99.26894
3 8.30114:139.26894 62.30114:99.26894
4 - -
5 -40.463415:99.26894 8.536585:63.26894
6 8.30114:99.26894 62.30114:63.26894
7 62.30114:99.26894 116.30114:63.26894
8 -27.73106:63.26894 26.30114:27.26894
9 8.30114:63.26894 62.30114:27.26894
10 116.30114:63.26894 116.30114:27.26894
11 -81.73106:15.26894 -27.73106:-20.73106
12 -27.69886:27.26894 26.30114:-8.73106
13 26.30114:27.26894 80.30114:-8.73106
14 80.30114:27.26894 134.30114:-8.73106
15 -81.73106:-20.73106 -27.73106:-58.73106
16 -27.73106:-8.73106 26.30114:-44.73106
17 26.30114:-8.73106 80.30114:-44.73106
18 80.30114:-8.73106 134.30114:-44.73106
19 134.30114:-8.73106 188.30114:-44.73106
20 -128.30114:-73.73106 -81.73106:-111.23120
21 -81.73106:-56.73106 -27.73106:-92.73106
22 -27.69886:-44.73106 26.30114:-80.73106
23 26.30114:-44.73106 80.30114:-80.73106
24 80.30114:-44.73106 134.30114:-80.73106
25 134.30114:-44.73106 188.30114:-80.73106
26 -81.73106:-92.73106 -27.73106:-128.73106
27 -27.73106:-80.73106 26.30114:-116.73106
28 26.30114:-80.73106 80.30114:-116.73106
29 80.30114:-80.73106 134.30114:-116.73106
30 125.30114:-80.73106 179.30114:-116.73106
31 -81.73106:-135.73106 -27.73106:-171.73106
32 -27.73106:-116.73106 26.30114:-152.73106
33 26.30114:-116.73106 80.30114:-152.73106
34 80.30114:-104.73106 134.30114:-140.73106
35 -135.73106:-176.73106 -81.73106:-224.73106
36 -81.69886:-171.73106 -27.73106:-208.73106
37 -27.73106:-142.73106 26.30114:-182.73106
38 26.30114:-142.73106 80.30114:-183.73106
39 80.30114:-134.73106 134.30114:-172.23106
40 134.30114:-116.73106 181.05114:-164.73106


Sheet Top left corner Bottom right corner
1 63.574248:235.574248 111.574248:199.574248
2 63.574248:199.574248 111.574248:163.574248
3 15.574248:151.945795 63.574248:115.945795
4 15.574248:115.945795 63.574248:79.945795
5 -115.175752:70.945795 -79.175752:22.945795
6 -56.425752:79.945795 -8.425752:43.945795
7 -8.425752:79.945795 39.574248:43.945795
8 -80.425752:43.945795 -32.425752:7.945795
9 -32.425752:43.945795 15.574248:7.945795
10 -152.425752:25.945795 -104.425752:-10.054205
11 -104.425752:19.945795 -68.425752:-28.054205
12 -68.425752:7.945795 -20.425752:-28.054205
13 -20.425752:19.945795 15.574248:-28.054205
14 15.574248:19.945795 51.574248:-28.054205
15 51.574248:19.945795 87.574248:-28.054205
16 -152.425752:-10.054205 -116.425752:-46.054205
17 -104.425752:-28.054205 -56.425752:-64.054205
18 -56.425752:-28.054205 -8.425752:-64.054205
19 -8.425752:-28.054205 39.574248:-64.054205
20 39.574248:-28.054205 87.574248:-64.054205
21 -104.425752:-64.054205 -56.425752:-100.054205
22 -56.425752:-64.054205 -8.425752:-100.054205
23 -8.425752:-64.054205 39.574248:-100.054205
24 24.774248:-49.654205 60.774248:-97.654205
25 -104.425752:-100.054205 -56.425752:-136.054205
26 -56.425752:-100.054205 -8.425752:-136.054205
27 -8.425752:-100.054205 39.574248:-136.054205
28 39.574248:-96.054205 87.574248:-136.054205
29 -80.425752:-118.054205 -32.425752:-154.054205
30 -56.425752:-136.054205 -8.425752:-172.054205
31 -8.425752:-136.054205 39.574248:-172.054205
32 39.574248:-136.054205 87.574248:-172.054205
33 -56.425752:-163.054205 -8.425752:-199.054205
34 -8.425752:-163.054205 39.574248:-199.054205

OS Ministry of Transport Road Map
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Road Mapping
Ordnance SurveyMoT Maps • Ten Mile Road Map • Route Planning Map • One Inch(Popular Edition) • 1934 London PT • Landranger • Half Inch • Quarter Inch • Routemaster • Travelmaster • Road Map • Travel Map • Pathfinder • Explorer  • Outdoor Leisure • Tourist • Ten Mile • City Link • City, Town and Neighbourhood • Miniscale • OS Great Britain
Ordnance Survey Northern IrelandRoad Map • One Inch • Discoverer
Ordnance Survey IrelandDiscovery • Half Inch
Other MappingA-Z • AA • Bartholomew • Book of the Road • Google • Michelin • Philips • Others
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Legal typesAll-purpose Road • Special Road • Motorway • Trunk road • Principal road • Classified Numbered road • Classified Unnumbered Road • Unclassified road • Primary Route • Non Primary Route • Right of Way • Unadopted road
Road numbers1922 Road Lists • Classification • Defunct road • Euroroutes • MoT Maps • National Cycle Network • Numbering principles • Numbering anomalies • Disputed Numbers • Recycled number • Unallocated numbers • Fictional Road Numbers • Junction numbers • Essential Traffic Routes • Street Names
Road FeaturesArterial Road • Automatic Bollard • Balancing Pond • Belisha Beacon • Bott's Dots • Bypass • Cannon • Cats' Eyes • Cattle Grid • CD Lanes • Central Reservation • Chopsticks • Crash Barrier • Cuttings and Embankments • Cycle Lane • Emergency Phone • Escape lane • Expressway • Fingerpost • Flare • Ford • Gore • Green Bridge • Green Wave • Hairpin bend • Hard shoulder • Island • Junction • Layby • Level Crossing • Local Access Road • Managed Motorways • Milestone • Multi Lane Drop • Multiplex • No-Car Lane • Nose • Oxbow Road • Parapet • Petrol station • Play Street • Raised Pavement Markers • Ramp Metering • Retaining Wall • Road Studs • Roadside Art • Roadside Quarry • Roadworks • Secret motorway • Service Area • Signage • Smart Motorway • Snow pole • Speed Limit • Spur • Street Lighting • Surface Dressing • Temporary terminus • Throughpass • Tidal Flow • Tiger tail • Toll booth • Traffic cone • Traffic Signals • Tunnel • Vehicle Recovery • Walking and Cycling Friendly Road • Weaving • Wig-Wag Signals • Winter Maintenance • Zip merge
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Public Transport FeaturesBus Lane • Bus stop • Guided Busway • Park and Ride • Tramway • Trolleybus System
Other termsAnderson report • Guildford Rules • Highway Authority • Highway Code • Model Traffic Area • Motorway alphabet • Pre-Worboys • Primary Destinations • Roads by 10 • Transport alphabet • Worboys report

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