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B92 (Northern Ireland)

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From:  Cushendun (D224334)
To:  Cushendall (D227309)
Distance:  4.4 miles (7.1 km)
Meets:  A2, A2
Highway Authorities

DfI Roads

Traditional Counties


Route outline (key)
B92 Cushendun - Cushendall

The B92 is a loop off the A2 to serve the coastal village of Cushendun, which is now largely owned by the National Trust. The road was originally unclassified but gained its number in the mid-1920s.

The road turns off the A2 on the north side of Glendun; both roads have to wind to cross the glen so taking our road adds under a mile to the "direct" route along the A-road. A couple of straights interspersed by hairpin bends take our road towards the coast and presently a T-junction is reached, where we TOTSO left; the road to the right heads up the glen, going under the A2 en route.

We go round two sides of a caravan park and shortly reach the coast. Scotland may be visible from here. We run along the bay before turning inland and zigzagging along Main Street to cross the Glendun River. We bear right to follow the glen upstream. After crossing a mini-roundabout in Knocknacarry we continue across fields, although the road is never wholly rural, to reach journey's end at a triangular junction back on the A2.

B92 (Northern Ireland)
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B1-B99 in Northern Ireland
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Earlier iterations: B12 • B19 • B37

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