Category:Class III Roads in Durham

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This page is automatically generated, and in normal circumstances there is no need to edit it.

Star Ratings

A break down of all pages in this category by star rating.

5 star Star.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar.png


4 star Star.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar grey.png

C161 (Stockton-on-Tees)

3 star Star.pngStar.pngStar.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.png

C149 (Stockton-on-Tees)

2 star Star.pngStar.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.png

C145 (Stockton-on-Tees)

1 star Star.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.png

C132 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C140 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C141 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C138 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C146 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C51 (Darlington)
C38 (Darlington)
ZC38A (Darlington)
C139 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C134 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C136 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C137 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C142 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C143 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C144 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C147 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C148 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C170 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C171 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C172 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C173 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C174 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C175 (Stockton-on-Tees)
ZC39A (Darlington)
ZC40A (Darlington)
C88 (Darlington)
C39 (Darlington)
C55 (Darlington)
C40 (Darlington)
C45 (Darlington)
C46 (Darlington)
C37 (Darlington)
C49 (Darlington)
C52 (Darlington)
C54 (Darlington)
C71 (Darlington)
C92 (Darlington)
C144 (Darlington)
C180 (Darlington)
C181 (Darlington)
C182 (Darlington)
ZC34A (Darlington)
C160 (Hartlepool)
C150 (Hartlepool)
C151 (Hartlepool)
C152 (Hartlepool)
C154 (Hartlepool)
C155 (Hartlepool)
C157 (Hartlepool)
C159 (Hartlepool)
C162 (Hartlepool)
C74 (Durham)
C79 (Durham)
C27 (Durham)
C28 (Durham)
C29 (Durham)
C21 (Durham)
C77 (Durham)
C20 (Durham)
C20A (Durham)
C87 (Durham)
C16 (Durham)
C86 (Durham)
C75 (Durham)
C76 (Durham)
C30 (Durham)
C30A (Durham)
C31 (Durham)
C32 (Durham)
C33 (Durham)
C41 (Durham)
C43 (Durham)
C42 (Durham)
C44 (Durham)
C45 (Durham)
C146 (Durham)
C72 (Durham)
C73 (Durham)
C92 (Durham)
C37 (Durham)
C38 (Durham)
C34 (Durham)
C34A (Durham)
C39 (Durham)
C36 (Durham)
C35 (Durham)
C147 (Durham)
C187 (Durham)
C189 (Durham)
C188 (Durham)
C129 (Durham)
C130 (Durham)
C93 (Durham)
C18A (Durham)
C95 (Durham)
C96 (Durham)
C152 (Durham)
C113 (Durham)
C17 (Durham)
C18 (Durham)
C154 (Durham)
C62 (Durham)
C16A (Durham)
C16B (Durham)
C57 (Durham)
C58 (Durham)
C58A (Durham)
C10A (Durham)
C10 (Durham)
C148 (Durham)
C131 (Durham)
C132 (Durham)
C120 (Durham)
C124 (Durham)
C125 (Durham)
C126 (Durham)
C127 (Durham)
C128 (Durham)
C11 (Durham)
C91 (Durham)
C184 (Durham)
C183 (Durham)
C5 (Durham)
C4 (Durham)
C84 (Durham)
C85 (Durham)
C8 (Durham)
C8A (Durham)
C8B (Durham)
C12 (Durham)
C100 (Durham)
C12A (Durham)
C13 (Durham)
C13A (Durham)
C59 (Durham)
C60 (Durham)
C65 (Durham)
C15 (Durham)
C80 (Durham)
C151 (Durham)
C64 (Durham)
C14 (Durham)
C112 (Durham)
C22 (Durham)
C67 (Durham)
C66 (Durham)
C69 (Durham)
C68 (Durham)
C70 (Durham)
C26 (Durham)
C23 (Durham)
C24 (Durham)
C25 (Durham)
C135 (Durham)
C81 (Durham)
C82 (Durham)
C94 (Durham)
C98 (Durham)
C98A (Durham)
C98B (Durham)

0 star Star grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.png

C513 (Sunderland)
C503 (Sunderland)
C518 (Sunderland)
C516 (Sunderland)
C508 (Sunderland)
C507 (Sunderland)
C510 (Sunderland)
C509 (Sunderland)
C506 (Sunderland)
C514 (Sunderland)
C512 (Sunderland)
C502 (Sunderland)
C551 (Sunderland)
C511 (Sunderland)
C523 (Sunderland)
C522 (Sunderland)
C517 (Sunderland)
C552 (Sunderland)
C524 (Sunderland)
C505 (Sunderland)
C501 (Sunderland)
C500 (Sunderland)

Articles without a rating Star grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.pngStar grey.png


Image Gallery status


Articles with image(s) in their Gallery page
Articles without image(s) in their Gallery page

C513 (Sunderland)
C503 (Sunderland)
C518 (Sunderland)
C508 (Sunderland)
C507 (Sunderland)
C509 (Sunderland)
C506 (Sunderland)
C514 (Sunderland)
C512 (Sunderland)
C502 (Sunderland)
C511 (Sunderland)
C523 (Sunderland)
C522 (Sunderland)
C517 (Sunderland)
C552 (Sunderland)
C524 (Sunderland)
C505 (Sunderland)
C500 (Sunderland)
C140 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C141 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C139 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C142 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C145 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C161 (Stockton-on-Tees)

C516 (Sunderland)
C510 (Sunderland)
C551 (Sunderland)
C501 (Sunderland)
C132 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C138 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C146 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C51 (Darlington)
C38 (Darlington)
ZC38A (Darlington)
C134 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C136 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C137 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C143 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C144 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C147 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C148 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C149 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C170 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C171 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C172 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C173 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C174 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C175 (Stockton-on-Tees)
ZC39A (Darlington)
ZC40A (Darlington)
C88 (Darlington)
C39 (Darlington)
C55 (Darlington)
C40 (Darlington)
C45 (Darlington)
C46 (Darlington)
C37 (Darlington)
C49 (Darlington)
C52 (Darlington)
C54 (Darlington)
C71 (Darlington)
C92 (Darlington)
C144 (Darlington)
C180 (Darlington)
C181 (Darlington)
C182 (Darlington)
ZC34A (Darlington)
C160 (Hartlepool)
C150 (Hartlepool)
C151 (Hartlepool)
C152 (Hartlepool)
C154 (Hartlepool)
C155 (Hartlepool)
C157 (Hartlepool)
C159 (Hartlepool)
C162 (Hartlepool)
C74 (Durham)
C79 (Durham)
C27 (Durham)
C28 (Durham)
C29 (Durham)
C21 (Durham)
C77 (Durham)
C20 (Durham)
C20A (Durham)
C87 (Durham)
C16 (Durham)
C86 (Durham)
C75 (Durham)
C76 (Durham)
C30 (Durham)
C30A (Durham)
C31 (Durham)
C32 (Durham)
C33 (Durham)
C41 (Durham)
C43 (Durham)
C42 (Durham)
C44 (Durham)
C45 (Durham)
C146 (Durham)
C72 (Durham)
C73 (Durham)
C92 (Durham)
C37 (Durham)
C38 (Durham)
C34 (Durham)
C34A (Durham)
C39 (Durham)
C36 (Durham)
C35 (Durham)
C147 (Durham)
C187 (Durham)
C189 (Durham)
C188 (Durham)
C129 (Durham)
C130 (Durham)
C93 (Durham)
C18A (Durham)
C95 (Durham)
C96 (Durham)
C152 (Durham)
C113 (Durham)
C17 (Durham)
C18 (Durham)
C154 (Durham)
C62 (Durham)
C16A (Durham)
C16B (Durham)
C57 (Durham)
C58 (Durham)
C58A (Durham)
C10A (Durham)
C10 (Durham)
C148 (Durham)
C131 (Durham)
C132 (Durham)
C120 (Durham)
C124 (Durham)
C125 (Durham)
C126 (Durham)
C127 (Durham)
C128 (Durham)
C11 (Durham)
C91 (Durham)
C184 (Durham)
C183 (Durham)
C5 (Durham)
C4 (Durham)
C84 (Durham)
C85 (Durham)
C8 (Durham)
C8A (Durham)
C8B (Durham)
C12 (Durham)
C100 (Durham)
C12A (Durham)
C13 (Durham)
C13A (Durham)
C59 (Durham)
C60 (Durham)
C65 (Durham)
C15 (Durham)
C80 (Durham)
C151 (Durham)
C64 (Durham)
C14 (Durham)
C112 (Durham)
C22 (Durham)
C67 (Durham)
C66 (Durham)
C69 (Durham)
C68 (Durham)
C70 (Durham)
C26 (Durham)
C23 (Durham)
C24 (Durham)
C25 (Durham)
C135 (Durham)
C81 (Durham)
C82 (Durham)
C94 (Durham)
C98 (Durham)
C98A (Durham)
C98B (Durham)

Infobox Maps status

A break down of all road pages in this category: pages which need a map are coloured red, pages which already have one are coloured green. This page is dependant on the map being used in the infobox.


Page needs a map
Page has a SABRE Maps extract
Page has a map image

C513 (Sunderland)
C503 (Sunderland)
C518 (Sunderland)
C516 (Sunderland)
C508 (Sunderland)
C507 (Sunderland)
C510 (Sunderland)
C509 (Sunderland)
C506 (Sunderland)
C514 (Sunderland)
C512 (Sunderland)
C502 (Sunderland)
C551 (Sunderland)
C511 (Sunderland)
C523 (Sunderland)
C522 (Sunderland)
C517 (Sunderland)
C552 (Sunderland)
C524 (Sunderland)
C505 (Sunderland)
C501 (Sunderland)
C500 (Sunderland)
C132 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C140 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C141 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C138 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C146 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C51 (Darlington)
C38 (Darlington)
ZC38A (Darlington)
C139 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C134 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C136 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C137 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C142 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C143 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C144 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C145 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C147 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C148 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C149 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C161 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C170 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C171 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C172 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C173 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C174 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C175 (Stockton-on-Tees)
ZC39A (Darlington)
ZC40A (Darlington)
C88 (Darlington)
C39 (Darlington)
C55 (Darlington)
C40 (Darlington)
C45 (Darlington)
C46 (Darlington)
C37 (Darlington)
C49 (Darlington)
C52 (Darlington)
C54 (Darlington)
C71 (Darlington)
C92 (Darlington)
C144 (Darlington)
C180 (Darlington)
C181 (Darlington)
C182 (Darlington)
ZC34A (Darlington)
C160 (Hartlepool)
C150 (Hartlepool)
C151 (Hartlepool)
C152 (Hartlepool)
C154 (Hartlepool)
C155 (Hartlepool)
C157 (Hartlepool)
C159 (Hartlepool)
C162 (Hartlepool)
C74 (Durham)
C79 (Durham)
C27 (Durham)
C28 (Durham)
C29 (Durham)
C21 (Durham)
C77 (Durham)
C20 (Durham)
C20A (Durham)
C87 (Durham)
C16 (Durham)
C86 (Durham)
C75 (Durham)
C76 (Durham)
C30 (Durham)
C30A (Durham)
C31 (Durham)
C32 (Durham)
C33 (Durham)
C41 (Durham)
C43 (Durham)
C42 (Durham)
C44 (Durham)
C45 (Durham)
C146 (Durham)
C72 (Durham)
C73 (Durham)
C92 (Durham)
C37 (Durham)
C38 (Durham)
C34 (Durham)
C34A (Durham)
C39 (Durham)
C36 (Durham)
C35 (Durham)
C147 (Durham)
C187 (Durham)
C189 (Durham)
C188 (Durham)
C129 (Durham)
C130 (Durham)
C93 (Durham)
C18A (Durham)
C95 (Durham)
C96 (Durham)
C152 (Durham)
C113 (Durham)
C17 (Durham)
C18 (Durham)
C154 (Durham)
C62 (Durham)
C16A (Durham)
C16B (Durham)
C57 (Durham)
C58 (Durham)
C58A (Durham)
C10A (Durham)
C10 (Durham)
C148 (Durham)
C131 (Durham)
C132 (Durham)
C120 (Durham)
C124 (Durham)
C125 (Durham)
C126 (Durham)
C127 (Durham)
C128 (Durham)
C11 (Durham)
C91 (Durham)
C184 (Durham)
C183 (Durham)
C5 (Durham)
C4 (Durham)
C84 (Durham)
C85 (Durham)
C8 (Durham)
C8A (Durham)
C8B (Durham)
C12 (Durham)
C100 (Durham)
C12A (Durham)
C13 (Durham)
C13A (Durham)
C59 (Durham)
C60 (Durham)
C65 (Durham)
C15 (Durham)
C80 (Durham)
C151 (Durham)
C64 (Durham)
C14 (Durham)
C112 (Durham)
C22 (Durham)
C67 (Durham)
C66 (Durham)
C69 (Durham)
C68 (Durham)
C70 (Durham)
C26 (Durham)
C23 (Durham)
C24 (Durham)
C25 (Durham)
C135 (Durham)
C81 (Durham)
C82 (Durham)
C94 (Durham)
C98 (Durham)
C98A (Durham)
C98B (Durham)

Articles without distance information


Articles with distance information
Articles without distance information

C513 (Sunderland)
C503 (Sunderland)
C518 (Sunderland)
C516 (Sunderland)
C508 (Sunderland)
C507 (Sunderland)
C510 (Sunderland)
C509 (Sunderland)
C506 (Sunderland)
C514 (Sunderland)
C512 (Sunderland)
C502 (Sunderland)
C551 (Sunderland)
C511 (Sunderland)
C523 (Sunderland)
C522 (Sunderland)
C517 (Sunderland)
C552 (Sunderland)
C524 (Sunderland)
C505 (Sunderland)
C501 (Sunderland)
C500 (Sunderland)
C132 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C140 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C141 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C138 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C146 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C51 (Darlington)
C38 (Darlington)
ZC38A (Darlington)
C139 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C134 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C136 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C137 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C142 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C143 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C144 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C145 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C147 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C148 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C149 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C161 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C170 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C171 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C172 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C173 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C174 (Stockton-on-Tees)
C175 (Stockton-on-Tees)
ZC39A (Darlington)
ZC40A (Darlington)
C88 (Darlington)
C39 (Darlington)
C55 (Darlington)
C40 (Darlington)
C45 (Darlington)
C46 (Darlington)
C37 (Darlington)
C49 (Darlington)
C52 (Darlington)
C54 (Darlington)
C71 (Darlington)
C92 (Darlington)
C144 (Darlington)
C180 (Darlington)
C181 (Darlington)
C182 (Darlington)
ZC34A (Darlington)
C160 (Hartlepool)
C150 (Hartlepool)
C151 (Hartlepool)
C152 (Hartlepool)
C154 (Hartlepool)
C155 (Hartlepool)
C157 (Hartlepool)
C159 (Hartlepool)
C162 (Hartlepool)
C74 (Durham)
C79 (Durham)
C27 (Durham)
C28 (Durham)
C29 (Durham)
C21 (Durham)
C77 (Durham)
C20 (Durham)
C20A (Durham)
C87 (Durham)
C16 (Durham)
C86 (Durham)
C75 (Durham)
C76 (Durham)
C30 (Durham)
C30A (Durham)
C31 (Durham)
C32 (Durham)
C33 (Durham)
C41 (Durham)
C43 (Durham)
C42 (Durham)
C44 (Durham)
C45 (Durham)
C146 (Durham)
C72 (Durham)
C73 (Durham)
C92 (Durham)
C37 (Durham)
C38 (Durham)
C34 (Durham)
C34A (Durham)
C39 (Durham)
C36 (Durham)
C35 (Durham)
C147 (Durham)
C187 (Durham)
C189 (Durham)
C188 (Durham)
C129 (Durham)
C130 (Durham)
C93 (Durham)
C18A (Durham)
C95 (Durham)
C96 (Durham)
C152 (Durham)
C113 (Durham)
C17 (Durham)
C18 (Durham)
C154 (Durham)
C62 (Durham)
C16A (Durham)
C16B (Durham)
C57 (Durham)
C58 (Durham)
C58A (Durham)
C10A (Durham)
C10 (Durham)
C148 (Durham)
C131 (Durham)
C132 (Durham)
C120 (Durham)
C124 (Durham)
C125 (Durham)
C126 (Durham)
C127 (Durham)
C128 (Durham)
C11 (Durham)
C91 (Durham)
C184 (Durham)
C183 (Durham)
C5 (Durham)
C4 (Durham)
C84 (Durham)
C85 (Durham)
C8 (Durham)
C8A (Durham)
C8B (Durham)
C12 (Durham)
C100 (Durham)
C12A (Durham)
C13 (Durham)
C13A (Durham)
C59 (Durham)
C60 (Durham)
C65 (Durham)
C15 (Durham)
C80 (Durham)
C151 (Durham)
C64 (Durham)
C14 (Durham)
C112 (Durham)
C22 (Durham)
C67 (Durham)
C66 (Durham)
C69 (Durham)
C68 (Durham)
C70 (Durham)
C26 (Durham)
C23 (Durham)
C24 (Durham)
C25 (Durham)
C135 (Durham)
C81 (Durham)
C82 (Durham)
C94 (Durham)
C98 (Durham)
C98A (Durham)
C98B (Durham)

Pages in category 'Class III Roads in Durham'

The following 185 pages are in this category, out of 185 total.


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