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Kione Droghad
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Highway Authority
Isle of Man
Next Primary Destinations
Douglas, Laxey, Peel
Places related to the A2 (Isle of Man)
Douglas • Ramsey • Laxey
The congested A2 passing through the middle of Onchan

Onchan was originally a separate village from Douglas, but in the last fifty or so years the fields between them have all been built over so that Onchan is now effectively just a suburb of the Island Capital. It does, however, still retain a separate council, as well as its own shopping centre and facilities. Onchan had already grown south to the coast at Onchan Head in Victorian times, and in the 1890s the Isle of Man Electric Railway was built along the coast from the horse tramway terminus, ultimately reaching Ramsey. Both of these remain popular with tourists today, leading to a number of level crossings along the promenade.

The main routes through Onchan are the A2 through the old village centre and the A11 along the coast. The A38 connects the two, running from the centre of Onchan down to the promenade towards the centre of Douglas, while the A39 heads north to reach the A18, Mountain Road, which skirts the edge of Onchan. The final A road is the strange A35, which heads south from the centre of the village towards the coast, but stops about 80m short of reaching the A11 in a confusion of very short B roads. There seems to be no real logic to this situation.


Route To Notes


The SOUTH, Airport (A5), Peel (A1), Hospital


Ramsey, Laxey


The NORTH via Mountain Road (A18)



Douglas, ferries


Molly Carrooin's Cottage, St. Peter's Church, Groudle Glen Railway

Related Pictures
View gallery (18)
Up the hill to Onchan (C) Andrew Abbott - Geograph - 3148595.jpgKing Edward Road (C) Andrew Abbott - Geograph - 3144526.jpgKing Edaward Road A11, Onchan (C) Chris Gunns - Geograph - 1878782.jpgIOM Onchan Microsense LSH Puffin Crossing, Nearside + Farside - Coppermine - 13317.JPGIOM Onchan Microsense LSH Puffin Crossing, Nearside + Farside - Coppermine - 13315.JPG
Places in the Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories
Isle of ManDouglas • Andreas • Ballasalla • Castletown • Kirk Michael • Laxey • Onchan • Peel • Port Erin • Port St Mary • Ramsey • St Johns
JerseySt Helier • Gorey • St Brelade • St John • St Ouen • St Peter
GuernseyAlderney • St Peter Port
Overseas TerritoriesAscension Island • Cockburn Town, Turks and Caicos • Falkland Islands • George TownCayman Islands • Gibraltar • St Helena

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