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From:  Coldstream (NT844400)
To:  Grantshouse (NT809655)
Via:  Duns
Distance:  21.1 miles (34 km)
Meets:  A698, B6437, B6470, B6461, B6460, A6105, B6365, B6355, B6438, A1
Former Number(s):  B6365, A699, B6366
Primary Destinations
Highway Authorities

Scottish Borders

Traditional Counties


Route outline (key)
A6112 Coldstream - Duns
(A6105) Duns
A6112 Duns - Grantshouse


The A6112 is 21 miles long on a largely north-south alignment, wholly within the historic Scottish county of Berwickshire. It is largely rural, with a small part of Coldstream at one end and then just one town and a handful of villages en route.

Coldstream – Grantshouse

The A6112 heading towards Granthouse

From the south, the A6112 starts just in Scotland at the eastern edge of Coldstream on the multiplexing A697 and A698 through the town (the latter number is dominant although there's no real reason why this should be so). A mile or so from the start there is a junction on the right with the B6437. This is a noteworthy road, duplicating ours by running roughly parallel to the east, passing through Chirnside rather than Duns and ending on the A1 just three miles further east than does the A6112.

Our road has a largely straight and level course for a few miles, then there is an unexpected pair of 90 degree bends to pass through the minor settlement of Simprim. Soon the B6470 for Norham joins on the right, then shortly we are in the large village of Swinton. The B6461 (ex-A699) for Berwick is on the right, and at the junction we turn sharp left to join its course and multiplex with it along the village's long main street. At the end there is a Give Way at a T-junction: we TOTSO to the right; the B6461 does so to the left for Kelso.

The road beyond Swinton is a succession of straights and sharp bends. In a couple of miles the B6460 for Greenlaw (left) and Paxton (right) is crossed; oddly, it has priority. A twisty fall through woods to a bridge over the Blackadder Water follows, then straights and sharp bends again until we run into Duns, county town of Berwickshire until the county disappeared for administrative purposes, at exactly the halfway point. It is a good place to take a break and have a walk round. If doing so, take the opportunity to visit the Jim Clark Room, a permanent museum commemorating the racing driver killed in 1968, who was raised in these parts.

Near the town centre there is a roundabout, with the A6105 for Berwick to the right. This is the dominant number in a multiplex for a few hundred yards, then that road continues on its way to Earlston, past the Jim Clark Room, while we TOTSO to the right up a steep hill and then out of the town again. After a gentle rise we start to fall, coming first to the B6365 to the left (which shortly joins the B6355, which we meet further along the A6112) and then, after some particularly sharp downhill bends, to a bridge over the Whiteadder Water. The village of Preston comes next, where we meet on the left the B6355 for Gifford via a scenic route over the Lammermuirs, multiplex with it along the main street, then lose where it has a TOTSO to the right for Chirnside while we continue northwards.

In a mile after Preston there is the B6438 for Reston to the right, then after climbing to a summit via some sharp bends in a wood we come to the most dramatic part of the road. The final six miles is a succession of sweeping bends, long straights and distant views as the A6112 gradually loses height before reaching the small village of Grantshouse. Here we cross over the ECML then terminate on the A1 as it bypasses the main part of the village.

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Former motorways: A6127(M) • A6138(M) • A6144(M)    /    Earlier uses: A6103 • A6115 • A6117 • A6130 • A6133 • A6135 • A6140 • A6144 • A6172 • A6177 • A6183

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