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From:  Galway (M347265)
To:  Tarbert (R069476)
Via:  Ennistimon
Distance:  141.9 km (88.2 miles)
Meets:  N6, R921, R381, R338, R446, R458, R347, R477, R480, R476, R477, R478, R481, N85, R482, R474, R483, R484, R487, N68, R473, R486, R551, N69
Former Number(s):  N18, R550
Highway Authorities

Transport Infrastructure Ireland

Traditional Counties

Clare • Galway • Kerry

Route outline (key)
N67 Galway – Tarbert
N67 climbing Corkscrew Hill

The N67 provides access to the west coast of County Clare, and runs from just outside either end of the county.

It starts on the N6 in Galway, bypasses Oranmore, and proceeds west along the coast around Kinvara Bay, and into Kinvara village itself. The road leads away from the coast briefly, before crossing into County Clare and skirting Corranroo Bay. There's a sharp left turn towards Bealaclugga, and back near the coastline to Ballyvaughan.

The N67 passing Doonbeg Castle

From here, the N67 heads southwest, where it turns to run more inland, with several hairpin bends up Corkscrew Hill, enabling it to climb over the mountains in the area, towards Lisdoonvarna. It goes through the village, over the Spectacle Bridge, and runs south to Ennistimon to meet the N85. It then turns right and heads towards the seafront at Lehinch, stopping short of the seafront, before heading southwest tor Kilkee, though the coast seems to generally be slightly out of view.

At Kilkee, the road doubles back on itself to Kilrush, meeting the N68 in the village. It then heads past the Moneypoint Power station on the north bank of the Shannon Estuary, and TOTSOs with the R486 to make a right turn to the Shannon Ferry, which takes it across the river and into County Kerry.

The north side of the Shannon Ferry - Tarbert Power Station is in the distance

At the other side, the N67 passes Tarbert Power Station, and keeps near the edge of the Estuary into Tarbert village, where the road ends at a pair of TOTSOs, firstly with the R551, then ending on the N69.


The northern section of the N67 was the N18. It was extended in September 2017 when the M18 was completed north of Gort to the M6.

Before the introduction of N roads, what's now the N67 was originally the T69 from Kilcolgan to Kilkee and the T41 to Kilrush. Since the Shannon Ferry did not exist until 1969, the rest of the route followed local roads. This situation was reflected when the N67 was first classified, where it ended on the R486 - the route across the Shannon to Tarbert being the R550.

Related Pictures
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Doonbeg Castle - Geograph - 1503707.jpgCorkscrew Hill - Geograph - 887259.jpgShannon ferry - Flickr - 2702949805.jpgThe bridge and the Cascades at Ennistymon - Geograph - 2778506.jpgA minor trip on the ferry - Flickr - 52925205174.jpg
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Tarbert (County Kerry)
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