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Whitburn Crossroads

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Whitburn Crossroads
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West Lothian
Highway Authority
West Lothian
Junction Type
Roads Joined
A705, A706, B7069
Junctions related to the A705
Junctions related to the A706
Looking along the B7069 at the junction

Whitburn Crossroads is the historic junction in the centre of Whitburn, where the A705 and A706 crossed. There has, over the years, been a lot of redevelopment around the junction, however, with many of the older buildings in the immediate vicinity demolished and replaced by 1960's style flat roofed boxes. Even with some texture inserted with Brick and Stone walls, the harsh concrete renders and right angled corners make the surroundings of the junction seem rather soulless. Even the more modern library building behind the historic town hall building is lacking the character of the older buildings.

But enough of the architecture, the junction is a signalised crossroads where the A706 passes through from north to south on Armadale Road and Manse Road. It therefore crosses the main shopping street, which is the A705, East Main Street and B7069, West Main Street. Until the opening of the Motorway, West Main Street was a continuation of the A705, stretching out of town to meet the A8, Edinburgh to Glasgow Road, which bypassed Whitburn to the north. With the opening of the M8, however, this was renumbered as the B7066, and the stub of the A705 gained the B7069 number.

Main Street is wide enough to allow the A705 and B7069 two approach lanes for turning traffic. However, the A706 route is somewhat narrower and only gets one lane, with the southern stop line set well back along Manse Road to prevent a conflict between queueing traffic and large vehicles turning in.


Route To Notes


West Calder


Linlithgow, Armadale (B8084)




Newhouse (B7066) former A705

Whitburn Crossroads
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