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From:  Callander (NN625075)
To:  Coilantogle (NN601073)
Via:  Invertrossachs Road
Distance:  1.6 miles (2.6 km)
Met:  A81, A821
Now part of:  C114
Traditional Counties


Route outline (key)
A892 Callander - Coilantogle
The former A892

The A892 was a short A-road to the west of the Perthshire town of Callander.

The road left the A81 at what is now a mini-roundabout south of Callander Bridge. It headed west through trees above the Eas Gobhain river, passing a holiday park, forestry car park and other touristy sites. After about a mile the road turns sharply to the right to cross Gartchonzie Bridge over the river, with a minor road continuing ahead to Invertrossachs. The A892 ended soon afterwards on the A821.

Originally classified as the B828, the road was upgraded to Class I status as the A892 between 1928 and 1932. The route is still shown on the 1976 OS Landranger sheet, but had been declassified by 1981. The road is largely single track with a signposted weak bridge over the Eas Gobhain, which probably explains why the road is now unclassified.

NCN7 uses all of the ex-A892 south of Gartchonzie Bridge. Just after the junction with the A821, although not on the NCN7 section, there is an unusual pair of signs.,-4.2559479,3a,37.5y,130.07h,87.31t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sA-KaOlxIjI41HY-_2W3RCg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0&entry=ttu

Related Pictures
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A892-callander.jpgA892-seventh.jpgGartchonzie Bridge (C) James Allan - Geograph - 2164828.jpg
Other nearby roads
NCN765 • A81 • A84 • A821 • B822 • B828 (Callander) • B8032 • B8061 • C114 (Stirling) • T95 (Britain) • Trossachs Trail
A800 • A801 • A802 • A803 • A804 • A805 • A806 • A807 • A808 • A809 • A810 • A811 • A812 • A813 • A814 • A815 • A816 • A817 • A818 • A819

A820 • A821 • A822 • A823 • A824 • A825 • A826 • A827 • A828 • A829 • A830 • A831 • A832 • A833 • A834 • A835 • A836 • A837 • A838 • A839
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A880 • A881 • A882 • A883 • A884 • A885 • A886 • A887 • A888 • A889 • A890 • A891 • A892 • A893 • A894 • A895 • A896 • A897 • A898 • A899

Defunct Itineraries and Motorways: A804 • A806 • A817 • A818 • A823(M) • A825 • A833 • A859 • A862 • A872 • A876 • A882 • A896

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