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From:  Inversanda (NM933593)
To:  Lochuisge (NM781554)
Distance:  12.8 miles (20.6 km)
Meets:  A861, A884
Highway Authorities


Traditional Counties


Route outline (key)
B8043 Inversanda – Lochuisge

The B8043 serves the remote, and tiny, population of Kingairloch. It only has two significant junctions - one at either end. Anywhere else in the UK, this road would barely even be unclassified; however, in the West Highlands of Scotland, such roads are of strategic importance, in their own way! The road was originally unclassified but had gained its number by 1932.

Starting at the northern end, the B8043 turns south off the A861 as it enters Glen Tarbert, crossing from Loch Linnhe to Loch Sunart. The B8043, however, continues to head southwest and for the first 2 or 3 miles it crosses open moorland, first climbing to skirt round Lochan Doire a'Bhràghaid before dropping down to the shore of Loch Linnhe at Kilmalieu. There are stunning views from the summits of the two climbs, north out across Loch Linnhe to the Corran Narrows, and south down the firth of Lorne to Lismore and beyond. The long descent is gentler than the climb from the north, and offers great forward visibility as the road meanders downwards. The view is then momentarily lost as the road skirts a patch of woodland, before opening up once more as it reaches the shore next to a semi-derelict shed and near a wide tranquil beach.

Loch Linnhe Shoreline heading south

From Kilmalieu to Camasnacroise, the road is never far from the shore, as it weaves along, often on a precipitous ledge cut into the steeply sloping hillside which plunges into the deep waters. This narrow ledge is probably the remains of the raised beach created at the end of the last ice age when the land started to rise faster than the sea level. In places the road is supported by a retaining wall up to 6 feet high, and the passing places are little more than grass-covered dents in the cliff face. There are a few larger places where cars can be parked for a wander on the enticing beach, but many of the grassier pull ins have become deeply rutted by cars and vans getting stuck.

As the road continues south, so the hillside above becomes steeper until it is rising as near vertical cliffs. This is the most dramatic stretch of the road, and perhaps a little intimidating for some. It is soon passed, however, and the road turns inland once more to pass the once lonely cottage of Glengalmadale, but the old steading next door has now been converted to a luxurious B&B. The road then crosses the Glengalmadale River on the two-span concrete bridge similar to the one across the River Tarbert at the beginning of the route. Around the next corner, the small settlement of Camasnacroise lies along the shore on its own little unclassified 'road', while the B8043 climbs steeply up the hillside behind the row of whitewashed cottages and church, turning west past the large estate of Kingairloch House.

Above Kingairloch Estate

The road initially runs along the hillside above little Loch a'Choire, before climbing a little through patches of woodland and forestry. After crossing the Abhainn Ghardail, the trees are left behind and the road climbs more steeply up to Loch Uisge. Much of the road along above the Loch was reconstructed in 2004-5 when a new hydro-electric scheme was implemented on the loch. This caused the water level to rise slightly, and the road, which had always been susceptible to flooding in places, was submerged. The rest of the route had been damaged by construction traffic and has also been rebuilt, with many of the old bends and bumps straightened out. About a mile beyond the loch, the route reaches its end on the A884, at a junction that was substantially changed when that route was improved in the 1960s.

Very little traffic uses the road, despite it offering an alternative route from Corran to Lochaline, which is surprisingly the same distance as the A-roads, and there is normally very little difference in the time either. There is, perhaps, more northbound traffic created by daytrippers to Mull taking the more scenic route back with less pressure to catch a ferry!

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B8000 – B8099
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Earlier iterations: B8000 • B8006 • B8008 • B8026 • B8039

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