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From:  Nettlestone (SZ624908)
To:  Nettlestone Point (SZ628918)
Distance:  0.7 miles (1.1 km)
Meets:  B3330, unclassified
Highway Authorities

Isle of Wight

Traditional Counties


Route outline (key)
B3340 Nettlestone - Nettlestone Point

The B3340 is a short road on the eastern side of the Isle of Wight. The road was originally unclassified but got its number in the mid-1920s.

The road starts at a triangular junction on the B3330 at Nettlestone Green and heads north down Seaview Lane. The sea soon becomes visible. In Seaview itself the road splits, with the seafront and car parks signposted to the right; the B3340, however, forks left signposted 'coach route'.

After descending a steep hill we reach a crossroads where through traffic is signposted to the right. For reasons best known to the planners, however, the B3340 continues ahead along a one-way residential road, soon bearing sharply right to reach a T-junction, which is where we would have ended up if we'd taken the two-way road signposted. We TOTSO left then zigzag left then right in quick succession, still following the 'coach route' signposts. At the next junction the road bends left again but the B3340 ends here having reached no satisfactory conclusion. If we continue ahead we'll reach a traffic-calmed road along the seafront - but this isn't the same place that was signposted in the last paragraph.

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Isle of Wight
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