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Pollok Roundabout

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Pollok Roundabout
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Highway Authority
Junction Type
Roads Joined
Junctions related to the B762
The junction location in 1945, at the start of the development in the area
The 1957 One Inch map shows the initial five-ways layout
The east-west dual carriageway is first shown in 1963
The roundabout as it appeared on the 1968 OS One Inch map

Pollok Roundabout is a massive five arm junction forming an oval shape where all five arms are dualled. These would have been Glasgow's expressways, if the rest of the network had come together, but today only the B762 passes through the junction, following Barrhead Road from east to west. To the south, Peat Road cuts through the Priesthill district to reach the B726, while to the north both Brockburn Road and Braidcraft Road head into Pollok itself. Pollok is a massive 1960s development, with a ring of dualled distributor routes which have perhaps never seen the volumes of traffic they were built to carry. This is largely because connections to other parts of the city, particularly to the north and east across the White Cart Water were never completed.

Redevelopment Proposal

In 2023, Glasgow City Council released plans to rebuild the roundabout as a pair of signalised junctions. This would see a crossroads created between Peat Road and Brockburn Road, with a short queuing space on the B762, Barrhead Road, before a T junction for Braidcraft Road a little to the east. Dedicated, signal controlled, left turn lanes would be provided for traffic turning into Peat Road and in and out of Braidcraft Road. The intention is clearly to increase capacity at peak flows, and while the central island of the roundabout would be lost, the amount of green space surrounding the proposed new junction appears to have been increased. The proposals come with the caveat that 'To date no budget has yet been confirmed' so it could be several years before works begin.


Route To Notes


Irvine, Paisley, Barrhead


(M77, M8), Pollokshaws
Priesthill, Nitshill

Pollok Roundabout
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