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From:  Kinveachy (NH912188)
To:  Carrbridge (NH906230)
Distance:  2.8 miles (4.5 km)
Meets:  A95, A938
Highway Authorities


Traditional Counties


Route outline (key)
B9153 Kinveachy - Carrbridge

The B9153 follows part of the former route of the A9 in east Inverness-shire, before that road was moved west on a new alignment in the 1970s.

The modern bridge at Carrbridge


The route starts in Kinveachy at what was the original western end of the A95. When the A9 bypass was built the A95 was extended to the south over the old A9 route, while the B9153 continues north, from a junction that was re-profiled around 2000 to give the A95 priority. The road crosses a couple of small fields before winding into trees. Indeed most of the route runs through forestry, with the A9 never far away beyond the railway line. It follows a series of short straights punctuated by sharp turns and, despite this once having been a trunk road, there are precious few overtaking opportunities, with poor sight lines round the bends. After a couple of miles or so, it reaches the small village of Carrbridge, with the Landmark Forest Adventure Park, a sort of theme park favoured by kids across the north of Scotland at the entrance to the village. After running along the straight main street, it crosses the modern Carrbridge over the River Dulnain to meet the A938. Immediately to the west of the modern road is the narrow 18th-century Packhorse bridge across the river, which gave the village its name. The triangular junction with the A938 is a TOTSO, where the old A9 route is still given priority as it continues north towards Slochd.


The origins of this road as a military road are disputed. It has been put forward as part of the route from Dulsie Bridge to Aviemore, but its proximity to Wade's earlier line makes it seem a little doubtful. However, the series of short straights are typical of military roads, and those built later by Thomas Telford as part of his commission on Highland roads and bridges. It is perhaps more likely to be a Telford Road, as it is known that he realigned much of the road from Perth to Inverness. In 1979 this whole section of the road was bypassed by the new A9 alignment

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Earlier iterations: B9111 • B9145 • B9151 • B9164

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