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From:  Fochabers (NJ353584)
To:  Spey Bay (NJ348653)
Distance:  5.3 miles (8.5 km)
Meets:  A96, A98, A96, unclassified
Former Number(s):  A96
Highway Authorities


Traditional Counties


Route outline (key)
B9104 Fochabers - Spey Bay

The B9104 runs from the Moray town of Fochabers north to the coast at Spey Bay, even though there is very little there! The road came to the area when an unclassified road north of Fochabers was upgraded aorund 1930 and has since incorporated the former line of the A96 through the town following the opening of the Fochabers Bypass on the A96.

Starting, therefore, at the east end of Fochabers at the Fochabers East Roundabout junction with the A96 and A98, the B9104 runs westwards along Fochabers High Street. This is a pretty town, established in 1776 and typical of many 18th- and 19th-century planned villages in the north of Scotland, with stone-built houses lining the streets in a grid-iron pattern, and a large tree-lined square, dominated by the Georgian Church, at the western end. Beyond the square, the route curves through the woods on the riverbank to meet the Spey Bay Roundabout with the A96, and so find its original route. Heading north now, the town is quickly left behind as the road runs through more woodland and forestry along the banks of the River Spey, and follows the slightly dilapidated stone wall of the Gordon Castle grounds for fully a mile. A section here had to be rebuilt after being completely washed out by the Spey flooding in August 1970.

Turning north eastwards and moving slightly away from the Spey, the road runs through woodland before curving away to run through fields. The road winds along on the eastern edge of the Spey's wide floodplain, past a cemetery and on towards the old airfield at Dallachy. Before reaching it, however, it turns north again, then runs through the odd village of Bogmoor, where all of the houses sit back from the road on its west side. Just beyond the village, the old Moray Coast railway line is crossed, with the spectacular Spey Viaduct now open as part of NCN1 a short walk to the west. The end of the road is now ahead, and a sharp left-hand turn at the golf course prevents traffic launching into the sea. A short straight past a dozen or so houses leads on to the end of the road at the car park just beyond the Scottish Dolphin Centre, and beside the fast-flowing and constantly changing mouth of the Spey, although the B9104 itself has taken a left fork a few yards earlier, just before coming to an end.

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Fochabers East Roundabout 3.jpgSpey Bay Roundabout B9104.jpgSpey Bay Roundabout bridge.jpgFochabers Bypass, Winter 2011 - Geograph - 2742057.jpgA96 Spey Bay Roundabout and Fochabers Bypass - aerial from W.jpg
B9100 – B9999
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Earlier iterations: B9111 • B9145 • B9151 • B9164

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