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From:  Muirhead (NO342344)
To:  Alyth (NO245484)
Via:  Meigle
Distance:  11.7 miles (18.8 km)
Met (1946) A923, A94, A926, B954, B952
Former Number(s):  B953, B952
Now part of:  B954, B952
Traditional Counties

Angus • Perthshire

Route outline (key)
A927 Muirhead - Meigle
(A94) Meigle
A927 Meigle - Alyth
Approaching Newtyle

The A927 formerly ran north west from Dundee across the Sidlaw Hills and on to Alyth on the north side of Strathmore. It was downgraded in the 1970s and is now predominantly the B954. It originally started on the A923 at Muirhead, now just outside the Dundee city council area. The road briefly headed west before turning north to Dronley where it met the railway line from Dundee to Alyth (now dismantled). Road and railway then ran adjacent for some distance past the small village of Auchterhouse. Newtyle, the largest place en route, was soon reached, after going through the Glack of Newtyle valley. Here the railway line needed to detour in a large loop to the west to achieve a suitable gradient.

The terrain then becomes flatter and the road straighter as it crosses the floor of Strathmore to reach Meigle and the A94 in the centre of the village. The A927 appears to have split, just as the B954 still does, and followed Strathmore Place as well as Dundee Road. There was then a short multiplex north along the A94 before the A927 reappeared at the edge of the village and headed off across open country. The road soon crossed the River Isla at Bridge of Crathies before climbing slightly along long straights to reach the A926 on the southern edge of Alyth. This marked the original northern end of the road. However, it was soon extended into the town along the former B953 and B952, ending on the continuation of the B952 in the Market Square. The section of B952 south of the town also became a spur of the A927, allowing access to/from the west.

This situation remained until the early 1980s when the A927 was abolished - it is shown on the 1980 edition of the OS Landranger sheet, but not the 1984 edition. It was renumbered B952 north of the A926 (including the section that used to be B953 - the number had been reused) and B954 to the south.

The 1922 MOT Road List defines this route as: Muirhead - Newtyle - Alyth

Related Pictures
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The Belmont Arms - Geograph - 106036.jpgA927map.pngB954 at Millhole above Newtyle (C) Mike Pennington - Geograph - 3932711.jpg
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