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From:  Kirkcaldy (NT296943)
To:  St Andrews (NO504169)
Distance:  21 miles (33.8 km)
Meets:  A921, A911, A916, A955, A917, A918, A91, A917
Primary Destinations
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Traditional Counties


Route outline (key)
A915 Kirkcaldy - St Andrews

The A915 is a cross-country A-road in east Fife, which takes the direct route between Kirkcaldy and St Andrews.


Kirkcaldy - Largo

The route starts at Gallatown Roundabout on the northern edge of Kirkcaldy, on the A921 (former A92). It heads east as Randolph Road, crossing one roundabout and then the railway before meeting the B929 ta another roundabout. Here it turns north onto The Standing Stane Road, a largely straight road through an area of former coal mining, passing the Standing Stane itself en route. After half a mile or so, the road turns north east and continues straight for over 3 miles, passing through farmland and some large areas of woodland. The B930 and B932 are met in quick succession, the first at a T junction, the second at a roundabout. A little further on the road bends to the left to cross the River Leven on Cameron Bridge. The former line lies a little to the west here, but the A915 now bypasses Windygates and meets the A911 and A916 just outside the town at Windygates Roundabout.

The road now curves round through fields to head east once more and takes the form of a suburban distributor road as it runs through the Northern suburbs of Leven. A large industrial area lies to the north, with housing estates to the south, all accessed from three roundabouts and a couple of T junctions. The B933 is met at a signalised crossroads, and then the A955 meets at yet another roundabout. The A915 then follows Scoonie Brae across the Scoonie Burn, and curves north to a mini roundabout with the B927 before turning north east once more. Leven is soon left behind as the road follows another long straight past a couple of golf courses ands Silverburn Forest Park, a popular destination for locals.

After a mile of fairly open countryside, the route enters the village of Lundin Links, home to more golf courses, and passes a long row of Victorian Villas as it runs into the village centre. After passing a row of shops, the road sweeps left past the monolithic Lundin Links Hotel, and follows a narrow section between stone walls with big trees above. It winds across the little Hatton Burn and then enters Lower Largo, the twin village being a prelude for the picturesque fishing villages of the East Neuk. The A915 never reaches the coast, however, and instead skirts the northern edge of Lower Largo before crossing a couple of fields to reach Upper Largo.

Largo - St Andrews


In Upper Largo, the A915 TOTSOs left with the A917, which takes a longer course around the coast, continuing ahead. This section of the road has a very different character to the western end, being more rural with only a few small villages. This is quickly proven as Upper Largo is soon left behind and the road winds through fields, climbing steadily up to a summit of 172m near Wester Newburn Farm on the flanks of Largo Law. A slight dip leads to another, easier climb to the overall summit of 188m after which the road drops down slightly into the village of Largoward. At the entrance to the village, the B941 is crossed at a realigned staggered crossroads. The route now turns more decidedly northwards to pass through the small settlement of Lathones.

The B940 is crossed at another realigned staggered crossroads, and then the road straightens up a little as it continues to wind northwards past scattered farms and a couple of larger groups of houses. Twice the road dips to cross streams before climbing again over the undulating hills, but finally the sea comes in to view ahead, and the road drops steadily down to the outskirts of St Andrews. A large holiday park is passed just before entering the town, and then the road reaches a roundabout between a supermarket and the hospital. The A915 now follows Largo Road north past the retail park and housing estates towards the city centre, winding round onto Bridge Street. This leads to a mini roundabout at the historic West Port gate, where the diminutive A918 and much longer B939 meet. The last section follows City Road across another roundabout and on to the terminal junction, Links Roundabout], where the A91 and A917 also terminate.

The 1922 MOT Road List defines this route as: Kircaldy (Gallatown) - Windygates - St Andrews

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Lathones - Geograph - 86949.jpgA915 Milestone Largo Road.jpgB941-largoward.jpgHigham-toll1.jpgA915 Milestone Lundin Links.jpeg
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St Andrews
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