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B53 (Jersey)

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From:  St John
To:  St Ouen
Distance:  3.1 miles (5 km)
Meets:  A10, B39, B26, B54, B40, B32, B88, B55, A12, B34
Highway Authorities


Traditional Counties


Route outline (key)
B53 St Mary - St Ouen

This road is very rural. It begins at a junction with the Route de la Mare Ballam in St John (A10) as Le Neuf Chemin, a single track road, that is however wide enough for two vehicles to pass along most of its length. Once it reaches the border of St Mary, the road becomes la Rue de Bel Air, until it reaches what seems to be the edge of St Mary's Village, despite still featuring fields on both sides, which has a 20mph limit throughout most of it. The road meets "Eden Lane" (unclassified), which, despite being narrow and a parish road, is heavily frequented as part of the main northern route of the island.

The road continues through the more built up area of the village, featuring many traffic calming features to keep drivers to the 20mph zone limit, including a raised junction with a granite circular road feature. After it leaves the village it becomes NSL again, and the road meets the B32 just over the border with St Peter. It remains in St Peter only a short while however, crossing into St Ouen after a sharp near right angle, and continuing on as a road with many pinch points and bends. The road continues into the village of St Ouen, and finishes at a T junction with the A12.

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B53 (Jersey)
Other nearby roads
St John
St Ouen
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