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From:  Auchendrane (NS338160)
To:  Hollybush (NS394148)
Via:  Dalrymple
Distance:  4.1 miles (6.6 km)
Meets:  A77, B742, A713
Highway Authorities

East Ayrshire • South Ayrshire

Traditional Counties


Route outline (key)
B7034 Auchendrane - Hollybush

The B7034 is a meandering rural route in central Ayrshire.

Water works at Dalrymple

The route starts on the A77 a little to the north of Monkwood Bridge over the River Doon at Auchendrane and heads east, climbing up to the farm at Carcluie. It sweeps round to the right here and crosses over the Ayr to Stranraer railway line next to the former Dalrymple Station. A gentle climb then lifts the route up to 84m, before a steeper zigzagging descent drops down into Dalrymple, entering on Garden Street. After passing a long terrace of stone cottages, the route reaches a T-junction on the B742 Main Street, from where the two routes multiplex north east through the centre of the village. This ends when the B742 TOTSOs left by the war memorial and the B7034 continues ahead along the traffic-calmed Barbieston Road. After the first few houses, there are no houses facing directly onto the road, a few are set back behind a service road while the remainder are modern estates which back onto the main road.

As the B7034 leaves the village, it passes through a band of woodland lining the banks of the Primpton Burn and continues east across the fields. The burn is followed up stream for a short distance, before the road turns south and crosses back over it. It is now climbing steadily, round a left hand bend and onto a long straight which lifts it onto a ridge. After passing through the small settlement of Balgreen / Doonside, it reaches a summit of around 130m before dipping a little into Hollybush. It then curves along Clement Terrace to end at a T-junction on the A713.


The route was originally unclassified but had gained its number by 1932. Early maps suggest the routes western end started half a mile further north on the A77 and ran via Barhill on a route now partially closed to traffic. It remains open from the A77 to the farm, but is then gated and becomes a grassy track over the hill to Carcluie, where it comes out through the farmyard at the junction. The B7034 is still shown as following this route on the 1949 edition of the OS 1:25,000 map, but the 1955 One Inch sheet shows the current route, with the older line already apparently closed up.

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The Road to Carcluie Toll - Geograph - 327699.jpg
B7000 – B7999
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B7080 • B7081 • B7082 • B7083 • B7084 • B7085 • B7086 • B7087 • B7088 • B7089 • B7090 • B7091 • B7092 • B7093 • B7094 • B7095 • B7096 • B7097 • B7098 • B7099
Earlier iterations: B7000 • B7011 • B7035 • B7039 • B7054 • B7058

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