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From:  Wigtown(N) (NX427567)
To:  Garheugh Port (NX271499)
Distance:  12 miles (19.3 km)
Meets:  A714, B733, A714, B7052, A747
Highway Authorities

Dumfries and Galloway

Traditional Counties


Route outline (key)
B7005 Wigtown - Bladnoch
(A714) Bladnoch
B7005 Bladnoch - Garheugh Port

The B7005 is a lengthy route across the head of the Machars peninsula, running west from Wigtown.

The route starts at a fork junction on the A714 to the north of Wigtown and heads south to bypass the town. It is signed for through traffic to Port William, Gairlieston and Whithorn, even though the A714 has to be used again to reach any of them. The bypass route is an old road, rather than a modern addition to the road network, and while it is reasonably wide and straight as it crosses the undulating terrain, it is not a fast route. After the first straight, the route becomes more sinuous as it winds gently round Monks Hill to meet the B733 at a crossroads. Turning left here also leads into Wigtown, but the B7005 maintains priority as it continues south, finding another straight that leads into the small village of Bladnoch and a mini-roundabout next to the distillery. The A714 reappears from the left here, and the two routes multiplex ahead, crossing the River Bladnoch on Bladnoch Bridge.

After climbing a little above the river, the B7005 bears right at a fork to regain its number, while the A714 curves round to the south. The road narrows as it follows the river upstream briefly, but remains wide enough for two cars to pass as far as the first large farm. Beyond the farm, the road seems narrower still, and while cars can normally pass with care, there are some pinch points as it winds through a wood and on across the fields. There's a brief glimpse of the river again down to the right, with some fine views across the shallow valley to the distant hills. Shortly after the road widens again, the B7052 comes in from the right and the two routes briefly multiplex before the B7052 turns off to the left at the next junction. The road narrows again beyond the junction, and before long shallow passing places are found scattered along the verges. The road is now heading upstream above the Water of Malzie, although the river itself is never in view from the road in this undulating - but not too hilly - terrain. There are a scattering of houses on the roadside, but it is sometimes almost a mile between them as the road runs through a couple of wooded areas.

The B7005 alongside the Alticry Burn

Side roads lead off to left and right, the right turn signposted for Mochrum perhaps being the most interesting as it skirts a loch and passes an unusual double tower house. Presently the summit of 114m and on a clear day, perhaps the sea can be spied on the horizon. However, as the road starts to descend it plunges into a small wooded valley, which hides the view. Now properly single track, the route follows the Alticry Burn downstream, with the road winding along just above the small burn. There are a couple of steeper section, but the gradient is generally not too bad. At length, the route emerges from the trees and the vast expanse of Luce Bay is revealed ahead as the valley opens out. The Rhinns of Galloway, stretching south to the Mull can be seen ahead, while off to the left the distant bump on the horizon is the Isle of Man. The road then bears right and zigzags steeply down the hillside to end at a sharp fork junction on the spectacular A747 coast road.


The route was originally unclassified but had gained its number by 1926 when it is marked on the Michelin Map. Its low number suggests it was probably first classified in 1925 or 26. The Michelin Map only shows the Wigtown bypass as the B7005, but the revised MOT map from 1930 shows the whole of the current route. Since classification, the northern part of the route, bypassing Wigtown, has grown in importance, and is perhaps now busier with through traffic than the A714 through the town.

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B7005 - Geograph - 166992.jpgBridge over the Bladnoch - Geograph - 867495.jpg
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