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From:  Woodslee (NY387739)
To:  Canonbie (NY391762)
Via:  Hollinhurst
Distance:  1.8 miles (2.9 km)
Meets:  A7, B6357
Former Number(s):  B720
Highway Authorities

Dumfries and Galloway

Traditional Counties


Route outline (key)
B7201 Woodslee - Canonbie

The B7201 is a number that breaks lots of rules. it's entirely in the wrong zone (being east of the A7, and therefore in Zone 6) and is also much higher than any other B7xxx number (the next highest is the B7088). There is, however, an explanation. Until 1984, this road was the A7 through Canonbie. It became an extension of the B720 when the bypass was built in 1984. Eighteen months later, in late-1985, a landslip at Byreburnfoot a mile north of Canonbie saw a section of the route closed to through traffic, with the B720 truncated to the A7. The section of road affected by the landslip was subsequently stopped-up, with the southbound carriageway turned into a footpath. The official stopping-up order for the permanent closure of the road to through traffic took effect from 17 August 1987 - just over 18 months after the landslip occurred - and having been legally enforced by temporary TROs in the interim. The remaining section of the B720 (ex-A7) south from Canonbie to the A7 was renumbered as the B7201.

The B7201 therefore starts less than half a mile north of the English border by turning off the A7 at the southern end of the Canonbie bypass. It heads northeast briefly before zigzagging to reach the River Esk and then runs upstream close above the west bank. When the river meanders off to the east, the route bears left to enter Canonbie. Modern bungalows line the roadside at first, before older buildings are found. After passing the Cross Keys Hotel, the route ends when the B6357 comes in from the left and TOTSOs, taking on the road ahead.

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B7201, Canonbie (C) Peter Bond - Geograph - 3161525.jpg
B7000 – B7999
B7000 • B7001 • B7002 • B7003 • B7004 • B7005 • B7006 • B7007 • B7008 • B7009 • B7010 • B7011 • B7012 • B7013 • B7014 • B7015 • B7016 • B7017 • B7018 • B7019
B7020 • B7021 • B7022 • B7023 • B7024 • B7025 • B7026 • B7027 • B7028 • B7029 • B7030 • B7031 • B7032 • B7033 • B7034 • B7035 • B7036 • B7037 • B7038 • B7039
B7040 • B7041 • B7042 • B7043 • B7044 • B7045 • B7046 • B7047 • B7048 • B7049 • B7050 • B7051 • B7052 • B7053 • B7054 • B7055 • B7056 • B7057 • B7058 • B7059
B7060 • B7061 • B7062 • B7063 • B7064 • B7065 • B7066 • B7067 • B7068 • B7069 • B7070 • B7071 • B7072 • B7073 • B7074 • B7075 • B7076 • B7077 • B7078 • B7079
B7080 • B7081 • B7082 • B7083 • B7084 • B7085 • B7086 • B7087 • B7088 • B7089 • B7090 • B7091 • B7092 • B7093 • B7094 • B7095 • B7096 • B7097 • B7098 • B7099
Earlier iterations: B7000 • B7011 • B7035 • B7039 • B7054 • B7058

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