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From:  Stow (NT449446)
To:  High Cross (NT554472)
Via:  Lauder
Distance:  7.2 miles (11.6 km)
Meets:  A7, A68, A697
Former Number(s):  A697
Highway Authorities

Scottish Borders

Traditional Counties

Berwickshire • Midlothian

Route outline (key)
B6362 Stow - Lauder
(A68) Lauder
B6362 Lauder - High Cross

The B6362 is a cross-country B-road which climbs over a ridge of the Lammermuir Hills between Stow and Lauder.

Lauder Common

The route starts at a crossroads opposite the war memorial on the A7 in Stow, in the valley of the Gala Water, and heads east along Townfoot. After a short straight run past some shops and the Baronial style Town Hall, the route curves tightly round to the left and begins to climb steeply out of the valley on Lauder Road. As it climbs past the last houses, there is a stunning view north across the town to the hills beyond. The route then steepens as it enters woodland, and curves back round to an easterly course. As it emerges from the trees, the Lammermuir Hills reveal themselves on all sides, and the route continues its long steady climb to the summit. The gradient eases a little and the road can be seen stretching out ahead, curving round the lower slopes of Sell Moor Hill. After passing one of a long line of small blocks of trees, it crosses a cattle grid to become unfenced.

The route continues across the open moorland, winding up to a summit of 357m, but even before this is reached the hills beyond start to reveal themselves. The descent begins with a long, bumpy straight across Lauder Common, from where there are grandstand views eastwards, from the conical bumps of the Eildon Hills to the south right round to the main massif of the Lammermuirs to the north east. Ahead, and below, lies Lauderdale, and a series of bends bring the route down into the shallow valley of the Washing Burn. As the route winds down the hill, it crosses another cattle grid to gain fences on both sides before the descent becomes steeper. Trees are soon lining both sides of the road for the final descent into the town of Lauder, which is entered as Stow Road. At first, modern housing backs onto the road, but before long a wide grassy strip on the right sits in front of old stone house , with the A68 quickly reached at a simple T junction.

Originally the B6362 ended here. However, it now multiplexes south along the A68 through Lauder's beautiful town centre for the best part of a mile back to a T junction at the southern edge of town. It turns left to regain its number and drifts gently down a long straight past a holiday park to Lauder Bridge. This narrow stone bridge carries the route over the Leader Water and into trees on the far side. This is part of the estate of Thirlestane Castle, historic seat of the Duke of Lauderdale. The route follows two short straights, connected by long sweeping bends, to climb back out of the valley and up to the A697 at High Cross. This is a triangular junction, close to the site of the original Thirlestane Castle, although the Duke moved his home to a new property on the banks of the river in Lauder over 400 years ago.


The original route of the B6362 terminated in Lauder, with the western section across the river being the original line of the A697. This later became a spur when a former B road was upgraded to become the A697 mainline, and remained as such until it was downgraded in the 1980s. At this point the B6362 was extended to High Cross after the lengthy multiplex with the A68 through Lauder.

The 1922 MOT Road List defines this route as: Stow - Lauder

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The B6362 heading over Lauder Common - Geograph - 1137259.jpg
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