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From:  Peartree (SP497102)
To:  Redbridge (SP520035)
Via:  Oxford city centre
Distance:  4.9 miles (7.9 km)
Meets:  A40, A44, A4165, A420, A423
Former Number(s):  A34
Primary Destinations
Highway Authorities


Traditional Counties

Berkshire • Oxfordshire

Route outline (key)
A4144 Peartree - Oxford
(A420) Oxford
A4144 Oxford - Redbridge

The A4144 is a north-south road through Oxford city centre. It was originally the A34 (although the northern half was the A42 prior to 1935) and gained its current number when that road was moved onto the western bypass around 1960. Further road improvements in the years since have given the road its current route.

The road starts at its northern end on the Oxford Ring Road at a roundabout at the southern end of the A44 where it also meets the A40. Residential from the outset it heads south along Woodstock Road through the northern suburbs. The B4495 turns off secretly to the left and as the road approaches the city centre starts to pass university buildings - college grounds are often hidden behind high walls.

Hythe Bridge Street

After passing St Giles's church the road reaches the A4165 and TOTSOs right. It continues along the very wide St Giles to a set of traffic lights where it TOTSOs right again. Ahead is the original route of the A4144, much of which is now pedestrianised. The A4144 now heads west past the Ashmolean Museum then TOTSOs left at the next set of lights onto Worcester Street. Shortly afterwards traffic is forced right onto Hythe Bridge Street (Worcester Street continues ahead but you need to pass through a fence to get there), which crosses the Oxford Canal to reach traffic lights on the A420.

There is now a multiplex south along the A420 along Oxpens Road, back over the canal. A signalised T-junction is soon met where the A4144 regains its number and turns right; left is the direct route (for pedestrians) back to St Giles and is now numbered A420, although that road is now closed to through traffic. Heading south once more we cross the Folly Bridge over the River Thames and continue along Abingdon Road. We run through the southern suburbs which, on this road at least, are both less built-up and also less affluent. Shortly after meeting the B4495 Weirs Lane at traffic lights the original line of the A4144 bears right at another set of lights; this met the A34 more-or-less where Hinksey Hill interchange is now. Following the construction of the southern bypass, the A4144 was rerouted to continue ahead. It passes the Redbridge park & ride site before ending at a roundabout on the A423.

Related Pictures
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Roadworks in Woodstock Road, Oxford - Geograph - 1550877.jpgParting of the ways, St Giles - Geograph - 720678.jpgLooking back at the bend - Geograph - 1412417.jpgGeograph-2385508-by-Basher-Eyre.jpgOxford Inner Relief Road 1968.png
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