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Nottingham Inner Ring Road
From:  London Road (SK571403)
To:  Mansfield Road (SK577395)
Via:  Broad Marsh
Distance:  1.5 miles (2.4 km)
Meets:  A610, A6005, A60
Highway Authorities


Traditional Counties


Route outline (key)
A6008 Nottingham Inner Ring Road


Crossroads on Nottinghan Inner Ring Road

The A6008 forms the Nottingham inner ring road. However, this is slightly contentious, with all the alterations to access in Nottingham city centre.

Prior to July 2005 the route of the A6008 was definite. Starting at the London Road island where the BBC studios are on the A60, it followed Canal Street (Collin Street round the one-way system via the Broad Marsh), then went up Maid Marian Way skirting the west of the Old Market Square, then up to the island with Derby Road where it would turn right onto Upper Parliament Street, either following Upper Parliament Street through the one-way system or turning up South Sherwood Street by the Theatre and then down Burton Street to Trinity Square then Milton Street to return to Parliament Street to the Palais nightclub (now Oceana) and the junction with the A60.

However, much of this has altered; and with there being no signposted evidence of the A6008, nor any recent, accurate maps of the city centre showing it precisely, the exact route of the A6008 is dubious. A few things are however certain:

  • The route cannot take in Milton Street or Upper Parliament Street (Oceana to Theatre Square) since this was declassified for the restrictions.
  • Maid Marian Way and the Collin Street / Canal Street one way system are still the A6008.
  • Canal Street between the one-way system and the London Road island shows as unclassified on my OS Notts street atlas.
  • The A6008 takes in the A6019 route around the station as well as part of the A453 - the latter is still signed as the A453 so this may well be a mapping error, as the signage does not reflect the map. My AA 2007 map refutes this entirely and has the route labelled, IMV correctly, as A453/A6019 and Canal Street as A6008.
  • Both the Glasshouse Street/Huntingdon Street and Mansfield Road routes lay claim to the A60 number. It's possible that the latter could be a spur as a throwback to when it was the A60.

Based on all this, the surmise is that the A6008 now consists as the following: Canal Street / Collin Street from the A60 island round Broad Marsh, up Maid Marian Way to the Derby Road island, Upper Parliament Street from Derby Road to Theatre Square, South Sherwood Street from Theatre Square to Burton Street and Shakespeare Street based on the one-way system, Shakespeare Street and North Church Street/Burton Street to/from Mansfield Road. Mansfield Road remains a spur of the A60. This version is consistent with the AA 2007 atlas.

The original 1922 route of the A6008 was extended to form the inner ring road. Its route seems to have been Parliament Street, King Edward Street and Bath Street. Bath Street was declassified when the A60 was rerouted along Huntingdon Street and most of the remainder was declassified more recently as shown above.

Original Author(s): Forest Chav

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Crossroads, Nottingham - Geograph - 1578290.jpgIMG 1885.JPG Maid Marian Way in Nottingham.jpg
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