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From:  Sandplace (SX250566)
To:  Kilkhampton (SS252111)
Via:  St Keyne, Liskeard, Caradon Hill, Launceston, Whitstone, Grimscott
Distance:  41.2 miles (66.3 km)
Meets:  A387, A38, A390, B3257, A30, A388, A3072, A39
Former Number(s):  B3253, B3259
Primary Destinations
Highway Authorities

Cornwall  • Devon

Traditional Counties

Cornwall • Devon

Route outline (key)
B3254 Sandplace - Launceston bypass
B3254 Branches in Liskeard
(A388) Launceston bypass - Newport, Launceston
B3254 Newport, Launceston - Kilkhampton



The B3254 is a lengthy road from the south to the north east of Cornwall, almost running from coast to coast.

It starts at a T Junction in Sandplace. The other road is the A387, which heads south to Looe on the south Cornish coast.

The B3254 heads north, crossing over the Liskeard to Looe railway, then climbs a steep hill past the Cornish Orchards cider farm and into Duloe village. The road then narrows to mostly S1, with high Cornish hedges on either side hemming it in. Into St Keyne, then reverting back to mostly S1, twist and turning along the East Looe river valley until it climbs to Liskeard, crossing the Liskeard Bypass, A38. There are three branch roads in Liskeard all labelled B3254: the A38 and A390 originally ran through the centre of town and when they were moved onto their bypasses the B3254 took over their old routes; as such, the B3254 meets both these roads although the mainline meets neither.

In the north of Liskeard the mainline of the B3254 TOTSOs left at a mini-roundabout where one of its spurs follows the pre-bypass A390 to meet the current course of that road. The B3254 then continues in a generally northerly direction. It passes Caradon Hill, which gave its name to the former district covering this part of Cornwall. This is the edge of Bodmin Moor and after the village Upton Cross, the road narrows again to S1 for several miles. The B3254 skirts the moor to cross the River Lynher at Berriowbridge on an old stone bridge. It continues northeast via the B3257 and a crossing of the River Inny to reach the A30 Launceston bypass.

The B3254 heads through Launceston along a multiplex with the A388. On the far side of the town centre, after crossing the River Kensey, that road TOTSOs right at a mini-roundabout and then the B3254 regains its number at the next mini-roundabout before itself having to TOTSO right. In other words the road goes round three sides of a rectangle to avoid St Stephen's Hill (this road is closed to through traffic but only downhill).

Leaving Launceston, the road continues to zigzag through eastern Cornwall. There are no large villages on this stretch although there are a few small villages such as Yeolmbridge and Whitstone; however, mostly the road passes scattered farms. Despite remaining on the right bank of the River Tamar throughout, the road passes into Devon where that county trespasses over the Tamar.

Shortly after returning to Cornwall the second time the B3254 crosses the A3072 for Bude at a staggered crossroads at Red Post. After a couple more miles of similar terrain the road bears sharply left and enters Kilkhampton. It ends here at a T Junction on the A39 only a short distance from Cornwall's Atlantic coast.


In 1922 the B3254 was only a shadow of its current route: it ran between the A390 in Liskeard and the A30 in Launceston. In 1935 it took over the B3253 south and the B3259 north giving it its current length. Shorter roads in Liskeard and Launceston were added to or taken away from the B3254 over the years as roads were upgraded.

Related Pictures
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Other nearby roads
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Earlier iterations: B3202 • B3204 • B3206(N) • B3206(S) • B3208 • B3213 • B3214 • B3219 • B3228 • B3234 • B3248 • B3250 • B3253
B3260 • B3261 • B3264 • B3267 • B3270 • B3271 • B3272 • B3272 • B3275 • B3276 • B3277 • B3278 • B3280 • B3281 • B3283 • B3288

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